Fuzzy dwarf lion - a little worried


richard kagen

Fell in love with this little guy, expected no problems with him in a 60 with:
small clown
small Hawiian spotted puffer (have a place for him if he get nippy)
small wrasse
yellow tail damsel
large snowflake eel
Puffer took one nip which he does at everything including plastic bags, inverts and fingers. The eel is very agressive towards him on this first day. Did not expect that as the damsel smacks the eel with his tail all the time.
FDL is spending a lot of time in the heads down defensive posture.
Hope he settles in


Active Member
They tend to hang face down laid against a rock or something. Is he coming out at dusk? Mine hangs like that until either they see me (Food God) or it's later in the evening.
It sounds like your are going to have some compatibility issues though......


I hope the fuzzy is really small--else you wont have a small clown and small wrasse for long. Damsels-- it all depends on how fast they are

richard kagen

Is he coming out at dusk? Mine hangs like that until either they see me (Food God) or it's later in the evening.
He has only been in for just over 24 hours. He has eaten a couple of live shrimp, the plan is to get him/her settled and then start moving over to frozen. Store said he ate frozen krill but we picked up 80 shrimp anyway

richard kagen

Fuzzy seems pretty settled, an amazing range of red colors and finage.
The SF eel continues to annoy him, but it seems OK especially if the eel get to eat his fill first
The fuzzy has not taken squid or frozen krill but ate 4 silversides last night. He loves the grass shrimp, but we are trying to get him off of live.
If silversides is all he eats, is that a sufficient diet?


New Member
Not really, you should idealy give them a mixed diet of seafood. Give him some time and it will eventually take whatever you give him, fuzzies are pretty good about that