Fuzzy Foaming Shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am a week into cycling my tank with raw shrimp. First of all, I understand that this is the "ethical" method of cycling, but it is nasty. Is is normal that my shrimp are dissolving into "pus-like" globs? There's almost nothing left of them!
Since my shrimp are becoming seafood pudding in less than a week, do I need to add more during the cycle? Please say no. I may vomit.
By the way, I started with two shrimp in my 90 gallon.


sounds normal. if your ammonia has started its decline or is really high, imo, no more shrimp would be necessary.


Well the shrimp are completely dissolved today. I did test for Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite.
Ammonia - 0 mg/l
Nitrite - 0 mg/l
Nitrate - 12.5 mg/l
Does this mean my tank is cycling fast? It has only been a week and I am showing nitrate readings. I know that I have to wait until all readings are zero, but isn't this pretty fast progress?
I will have my LFS check my water to double check once my readings are zero.


djminus i would wait a week more just for the sake of feeling safe. then test and im sure youll be good to go. i now play it kinda safe in hobby since i have make so0o0o0 many mistakes lol


Yeah...I plan on waiting anyway. I was just expecting to wait 6 weeks! Next week I will check the levels again and if everything looks cool, I will probably start adding the cleanup crew to take care of the shrimp mess.


Active Member
Two shrimp...30lbs LR and 90 gallons of "New" water....:thinking:
Definetly give it another week...I think you will see you ammonia and nitrIte levels rising shortly...


djminus1, I was in the same boat. I have a new 75 and put in 30lbs LS (seeded with 100lbs) and 40lbs LR (seeded with 70lbs base rock). I put my shrimp in and withing a couple of days my ammonia was off the charts. A week and the ammonia was already down to a readable level. 2 weeks will be this weekend. Tested last night and ammonia was almost 0! I too though it happened too quickly and am very apprehensive to progress any further.
BTW no vomiting!