fuzzy lion fish??


I just get one and I need help >>>>.....
1.silversides are they good food for them??where do I get some?
2.ghost shrimp freashwater can they live in saltwater and how long if so ??
3.I have 29 g with 25 lbs and live sand is that good for him ?/
4.I read feeding them shrimp is good for them ? shrimp for store frozen?'
5.I just want to make him happy and stress free ? anyone please help


Silversides, and frozen mysis shrimp are excellent choices. I have a volitain in my 75gallon and he took to it right away. Every once in a while ill throw a feeder fish in to let him attack, but this is not his sole diet. Mine eats well, and he will even eat some of the flake food if i throw it in. I dont recall how big they get, but he may be a bit too big for a 29gallon in the long run.


Fuzzy dwarf???? Mine really likes his live food. Guppies and glass shrimp that have been fed with prime reef flake first. He will also eat the frozen mysis and silversides, but it took a while for him to try it. If it is a dwarf 29g should be fine. Good Luck!!! They are great fish. I have gotten really attached to mine.


Hope you have some pics! I wanna get one once my tank is established! Will they not get along with certain fish or inverts?


Active Member
the fish has to be big enough not to fit in its mouth or it is dinner. like stated a fuzzy dwarf can be in a 30. I have two in a 55. they get along great. fuzzy are actually pretty peacefull so you dont want to put them in with anything to aggressive