Fuzzy Lion fish ??


1.He will not eat any think I bought my on Sat night ,I made sure he eat at the lfs and he did live brine shrimp...
2.I bought silversides he wont eat them and he wil not eat live brine shrimp ??
3.What live food should I feed ? would ghost shrimp (fresh water) live in saltwater ??
please help ........................................


Active Member
Ghost shrimp would be a very good idea to start feeding him and it should wean him over to frozen food.

jonny bolt

Take your time. He may not eat and be comfortable yet in his new home. I got mine around last April, and it took 10-14 days before he really become acclimated to the new surroundings. Once you get to that point, the fish should be ok and nature will take its course....he'll have to eat. Mine was eating ok and on schedule within a few weeks. If everything goes well, soon your Dwarf Lion will be sitting atop a rock or something staring at you and watching you do things lol. Lions are not dumb, and will become accustomed to a feeding schedule. Thats why I have always fed mine small amounts almost everyday, instead of large amounts every few days. This way, he can become aware of the schedule quicker because he is seeing food everyday.
I feed mine live brine shrimp which I get every week or 2, and I give it to all the fish as a treat, and they last 2-3 days. I also feed my Lion chunks of Silversides (or I'll drop a whole one in his mouth sometimes), and Tetra freezed dried krill. He will also sometimes take a gulp of frozen Emerald Entree when I am feeding it to my other fish. At this point, he will eat just about anything meaty that I show him, and I can feed him with my fingers.
My Lion also likes to "play" with pieces of Krill. I break one up, and throw the pieces in, and the current from the powerhead and the filter will swoosh them around....and my Lion will eyeball them and hunt them down.
A clear acrylic feeding stick might also be a good option for you.