Fuzzy Lion Loosing Color?


Well I came home from work today and noticed that my Fuzzy Dwarf Lion who used to be a nice deep reddish brown is now looking kind of washed out. His face has gotten whiter and his body and fins are looking lighter too. Can anyone help me with this?
He is probably 3 inches long and he just ate a blue/green chromis that was probably just under an inch long, last night. Could that have something to do with it? He is still swimming around and seems to be fine otherwise, just moving a little slower. Is he having trouble digesting?
All my levels are good
ph - 8.0
Nitrite - under .3
Salinity - 1.021
Ammonia - 0
Anyone have any ideas or should I just not freak out and let him digest his big meal? This has only just happened in literally like the last 8 hours, the other fish are fine (foxface, 2 (now) damsels, and hawkfish)


nothing that i know of.
less than .3 is the lowest level on my test. i am using the Tetra Laborett test kit.
for clean up i have 5 nassarius and 5 mexican turbos along with two green brittle stars.
any suggestions? he seems fine otherwise.
did some more research - from Fenners Website:
the color differences may be more to do with digestive stress (they turn more "whitish" when strained) than foodstuffs or iodine in this case... but worth posting, passing on... take care not to overfeed!
Bob Fenner>
I will keep an eye on him and let you guys know.


Alright. Their color can fade from stress and sometimes mood. He doesn't sound too bad. He may just have to digest the damsel. Let us know if it gets worse.


color is returning today. must have just been stressed from the big mouthful
thank you all for your replies and help


Originally Posted by cjennings1
color is returning today. must have just been stressed from the big mouthful
thank you all for your replies and help
I am glad to hear he is feeling better
They will eat any fish that fits into their mouths. Be careful of what tank mates you choose for him. He will grow to five inches and will be able to eat a two inch fish.