Fuzzy Lion ?


I have heard after you get a Lion fish it will sometimes take a while for them to eat. When is it time to start worrying? I got him on Friday....


Active Member
What have you tried feeding him so far?
How is the fish acting?
Did he eat at the LFS before you took him home?


I have tried Krill and Brine. I have clams and squid but have not tried them yet.... He acts just fine hanging around on the rocks and he swims around every once and a while. My LFS said he was eating guppies and brine, but I didn't think guppies were healthy for them..... I talked to them today and they saind I may want to try using a stick with some krill on it to see if he will go after that....What do you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rooroo
I have tried Krill and Brine. I have clams and squid but have not tried them yet.... He acts just fine hanging around on the rocks and he swims around every once and a while. My LFS said he was eating guppies and brine, but I didn't think guppies were healthy for them..... I talked to them today and they saind I may want to try using a stick with some krill on it to see if he will go after that....What do you think?
That's how I taught my Fuzzy. Krill on the end of a skewer. I had to feed him Ghost Shrimp for the first several days though. You might try a silverside or peeled raw shrimp on the end of a skewer. Keep offering some live food though until it takes to the training.


I did try the krill on a stick. He took one nibble then kind of shyed away from it. I will go and get some ghost shrimp tommarrow. How many do I feed?


I have converted several lion fish to silversides and then introduce other stuff later. This seems the easiest to start with. Once they get used to seeing your hand and you outside their tank in association with food, you can give the other stuff. I noticed several would eat the silversides only if they were whole and I made them move at the top of the tank to get their attention. From there, after the association with you and food, it should be easy.


Okay, I just tried guppies just because this is what they told me he was eating. The problem is the guppy never made it to him and my wrasse ate it in about 5 seconds. Where do you get silversides. I am not sure what they are????


Active Member
no more guppies! guppies= fatty liver disease!
Put the food on a prong (clear if possible) and wiggle it by him and make it look like its going to 'run away'. Make sure the prong isnt too sharp on the end. Fuzzys get real excited and dash at the prong and can get injured.
Once they get used to the food, they will swim to the front of the tank and follow you to get food. They can be very social.
Mine is a pig and a social butterfly.
How long have you had him?
Good Luck!
Grats on the new fishy!


I have had him almost a week now. I will have to try to find something that is clear. I bought some silversides yesterday so I will try those today. How long can they go without eating? That is the only reason I did the guppy thing again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rooroo
I have had him almost a week now. I will have to try to find something that is clear. I bought some silversides yesterday so I will try those today. How long can they go without eating? That is the only reason I did the guppy thing again.
Try a piece of rigid airline tubing for a feeding stick, you can cut it cut at a bit of an angle--but don't make it too sharp. I also have a piece of regular airline tubing attached to the other end and use a little suction to grab stray chunks of food....works great!


Okay, just tried the Silversides. They seem like they are to big for him. He acted like he wanted it but wouldn't take it. Any ideas? Also does anyone know a good place to get ghost shrimp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rooroo
Okay, just tried the Silversides. They seem like they are to big for him. He acted like he wanted it but wouldn't take it. Any ideas? Also does anyone know a good place to get ghost shrimp?
Any decent LFS should have ghost shrimp. If he had his fill of guppies 2 days ago; I wouldn't worry if he doesn't eat today. Lions can gorge themselves, then go quite a while without eating. You DO have him eating in your tank; now its just a matter of getting him to eat what's good for him. Fuzzy Dwarfs are probably the fussiest of the common lionfish, but usually come around. I always try a piece of fresh shrimp first; but I wait until they look like they're "hunting".


Active Member
Originally Posted by rooroo
I will have to find some rigid airline tubing... Is there smaller silversides out there?
If you can find small silversides; maybe you can also find some "Dwarf Tangs".


Active Member
Originally Posted by rooroo
I will have to find some rigid airline tubing... Is there smaller silversides out there?

Cut the silversides. A Whole one is probably too big.
You have to chop meats into edible peices like you would for a child.
FYI do this while the silverside is frozen, they still like crap when they start to thaw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
Cut the silversides. A Whole one is probably too big.
You have to chop meats into edible peices like you would for a child.
FYI do this while the silverside is frozen, they still like crap when they start to thaw.
Good idea, but don't get too hung up on the silversides; the diet of wild lionfish is mainly crustaceans, watching them chase guppies, goldfish, etc. ONCE in a while is is great. But, the bulk of their diet should be shrimp, crab, squid, etc. Soaking in selcon is also a good idea. Once you have him eating well; be sure to give him a Betta (or Beta, like they call them at Wal-Mart) on holidays! It is a holiday tradition at our house!


Well at least now I have him eating ghost shrimp while training him. He seems to really like them.