Fuzzy Mushroom !!!!


I have noticed one of my fuzzy mushrooms retracting over the past two days. Today i see that its completely retracted. Is there anything that comes to mind that could have lead to this. anything to be aware of as far as their health in concerned so i can keep a watch on the others ?


Active Member
mine do this from time to time but they always snap out of it, if it stays retracted be sure to test you water, corals are usually a really good dection of water quality.


all my parameters are fine, that is why i can't figure it out. They don't need to be supplemented with any food do they ?


Active Member
Are they going from being extended to retracting or is it just retracted? I do feed my hairy shrooms once a week, they will wrap around the food (frozen brine, mysis, small pieces of fish or shrimp).


the one has just completely stayed contracted, i know that they retract in the night or when they have caught something, but never have stayed completely contracted so a long period of time


do you have any critters in your tank that may be walking over them? Mine retract when the hermits are doing their hermit thing on or around him.


Active Member
or another thought along the same lines, do you have a clownfish that might be trying to host in it, my biggest one was constantly retracted for a while and I finally say my clownfish trying to host in it (the clownfish eventually gave up).


really i never thought of that, have 2 percs and a tomatoe, i think am going to take the one mushroom out and place it in teh refuge to see how it does