Fw Baths


New Member
What is the correct way to do a fw bath. I did one, w/ distilled water, ph was correct, temp was correct, had a small pump in it. I put the fish in for about 30 seconds. He was going nuts so i took him out, he later died. did i do something wrong or what?? any help would be greatly appreciated. THNX


Staff member
FW dips are pretty dramatic for fish. There are some hobbyists who are pretty comfortable giving them, I honestly am not in the category.
They are only a very short term way to address a long term problem.
What problem do you have? Ich?


New Member
yea i have ich. most of my good fish have already died. I still have a tomato clown, a damsel, and a yellow tang, they look good. actually a lot better than the other day. I treated them with coppersafe. and they seem to be doing well. all my invertabrates are doing fine in my other tank as well. so ill give it about 5 more weeks and hopefully everything is cool.


Staff member
Ich will come and go unless you treat it correctly. Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the post on ich there.