FW disease


Active Member
what are you feeding it. Try feeding it live foods. Aslo check the temperture. Do your other fish have it?


it's a freshwater fish. a cordyoras panda. it's about 1.5 in. It's the only fish in the tank with it. i'm not even sure if it is swim bladder. basically he just goes and sits in the corner next to the plants and he does this thing that cory's do where he just sits completely still and the only thing moving is his gills. he sits with my other one but then his head starts to go up and his tail stays down. it's really weird. I think he's also coming down with fin rot on his tail and dorsal. i can't add salt bcuz it will burn their skin and i have no idea what i shud do. the only live food really available that he can eat is microworms. the temp was down to 70 due to breeding purposes but now it's going back up. All my fish are pretty hardy and i know my tank is overstocked a little but they were doing fine. here is a list of the fish i have in my 10 g.
- 1 honey goroumi
- 2 male swordtails
-1 small neon tetra ( had six but they all got eaten by my swords)
- 1 male betta
- 2 zebra danios
- 2 panda cory's


Check for ammonia, nittrite and extremely high nitrate. If it is indeed a swim bladder problem there may be nothing you can do except improve water quality if it is poor. If this is the case you can add plants, particularly floating plants with leaves ABOVE the water's surface, such as salvinia, duckweed or water lettuce. These grow very fast and you don't have to be concerned with water CO2 levels. Perhaps the best thing to do is decrease overall biomass.
Also cory cats by far do much better in shoals of at least 5-7. Kept as a pair it is very likely that they will not live their normal life expectancy.


i haven't got a test kit yet but i will get it soon. one of my swordtails died this morning ( he got stuck under the bubbling treasure chest:( and i guess it's a blessing in disguise because i can get maybe two more cory's. right now my cory's doing fine and is not starting to float. i did abouyt a thirty percent water change last night and he is starting to look better. it's kinda weird actually. It also lookes like he's coming down with some fin rot but that could of been the swordtail. He was a fin nipper but i thought my betta had taught him a lesson. If i do have high nitrates how do i lower it? and how many fish can i fit in a 10 gallon tank. i have 1 2" swordtail
1 1.5" betta, 1 2" gourami , 1 .5 in neaon tetra, and 2 1" DANIOS IN ADDITION TO MY CORY CATS. sry caps lock too lazy to fix. Do you think i have enough room for a pictus cat bcuz the one at my LFS is actually smaller than the corys and the tank would make it so he didnt get to be a monster. if i can't can i keep another pair of cory's or could i go with 1 more. i've heard trios are ok but i wanted to get a pair so i could get male and female so i could be sure i have one of each.