fw fish list Help me please


Active Member
i have a 30 gallon fresh water tank and for fish it has
1 small blood (red) parrot fish
1clown loacher (on the small side)
2 blak skirt tetras (one is about to die soo due to 2 pop eyes)

1 glass cat
could i add another blood parrot because i cant find these guys smll enoughand wtih color and a angel fish? im not sure aht kind of angel it is but its white and its top fins are yellow
thanks for your time


Active Member
I personally would suggest trading in the parrot....or getting another and that being it. You are trying to keep little community things with the tetras and angels (though the angels can get large). And the parrots are a hybrid cichlid. I'll admit I do not like blood parrots, but nonetheless they can get large, and I wouldn't generally mix them with smaller tetras.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I personally would suggest trading in the parrot....or getting another and that being it. You are trying to keep little community things with the tetras and angels (though the angels can get large). And the parrots are a hybrid cichlid. I'll admit I do not like blood parrots, but nonetheless they can get large, and I wouldn't generally mix them with smaller tetras.
lol yeah i know this but i mean they have goten along and the tetras are about the same siz as the parrot
so i could add anohter parrot and tht be it?
or would i have room for another loach i saw? it was all purple with orange fins


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I personally would suggest trading in the parrot....or getting another and that being it. You are trying to keep little community things with the tetras and angels (though the angels can get large). And the parrots are a hybrid cichlid. I'll admit I do not like blood parrots, but nonetheless they can get large, and I wouldn't generally mix them with smaller tetras.
btw thank you for your reply!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Bill, why does the black skirt have pop eye?
i have no clue?
i have tried melafix but i left in the carbon in the cartridge.
it soo bad though its eyeS are all big and they are all blacked over. hes in bad shape i dont know what to do. under hit fin hes got this black spot tht is like a piece of charcol
i dont know what to do let nature in my tank tanke its course or try to fisx it?
i dont know


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Have you tested the water quality??? Please post your exact readings.
ok well the last time i tested the water it was good my lfs did it.
i dont have a test kit for fw but i guess its somethign to lookinto as well
the only thing i have been testing for is ph. what a noobie mistake huh?
i will make sure its tested asap though
butttt if the quality was bad wouldnt all my fish have soem sort of a problem? especially the black skirt tetra number 2?
i know i should straighten this out b4 any nre fish r in but what are your thoguhs on tht?


My thoughts are make sure your fish are healthy before you add anything else
Popeye is not contagious. The fish with the weakest immune system is going to be the one to get sick first. Popeye is easily correctable. Make sure the water quality is good. Check your nitrates, too many people overlook those. If the tetra is sick then the parrot is probaly picking at him as well. Parrots are sneaky and usually do their picking when no one is looking. I would not add another parrot. The parrot you have now dominates the tank and will likely attack another parrot.


I loved the dwarf cichlid. I use to breed Kribs and tripple red Apistogrammas. Then I got into breeding the tanganikans.

30-xtra high

Active Member
the parrot gets to big for a 30... my lfs has them about a foot long. obviously not suitable for a 30., i'd say get rid of the parrot, and add maybe... a blue ram?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
the parrot gets to big for a 30... my lfs has them about a foot long. obviously not suitable for a 30., i'd say get rid of the parrot, and add maybe... a blue ram?
nah .. ill get rid of him if it becomes an issue. my lfs thought tht i could have 2 but which one does not lol
well this stinks i would love to have a pair. is it possible for awhile? the tank hes got them in are mixed together he had about 15 now there are 2!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
you could get 2... if you plan on upgrading.
how big we talking?
and how long?


Sorry to butt in, but I've been trying to get a suggestion on what else I should put in my 20g fw tank. I have a 4" pleco and a 3" rainbow shark. Both bottom feeders and not very active. I'd love to see a picture of that Loach, Bill.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dual45s
Sorry to butt in, but I've been trying to get a suggestion on what else I should put in my 20g fw tank. I have a 4" pleco and a 3" rainbow shark. Both bottom feeders and not very active. I'd love to see a picture of that Loach, Bill.
the clown loach?
if so ill get some pics tonigh lol
the purple on was wiers maybe it was died tht purple color and the fins were left the real color orange?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dual45s
The purple with orange fins, yeah.
tht was at the lfs store. it was wierd i dont have pics but if i go il take some pics
if he is a loach will 2 fight?

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
how big we talking?
and how long?
i've seen them a foot or so long, and about 8-9 inches "tall", if you've noticed they have an oval shape, so they are way to big for a 29.