% gal half hex


I am gett a 5 gal this is what i want to put in it.tell
Fish: sebae clownfish
inverts and anemones:
peppermint shrimp
condy anemone
sally light foot crab or anemone crab
feater dusters(2)
thats it ...tell me if it is not good..if not tell me what i can put in it.....


skip the anemone. it will get huge or die from unstable water conditions. i'd even stay away from the clown.


Active Member
Don't get the anemone. The water is not stable enough in such a small tank.
Also, I wouldn't recommend getting a sabae clown. They get fairly big, especially for a 5 gallon. Get a percula clown instead because they only grow to 2.5".


Active Member
Don't ask us what you should put in, it is your tank. Tell us what you are thinking about putting in and we will tell you the do's and don'ts.


i would like to put a yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp..If not. i like firefish and sixline wrasse..i have a sixline wrasse in my 29 gal, would i be able to but in the 5 gal???


Neither of those fish will fit and/or be happy in a 5gal.
I suggest a barnacle blenny or a pair of neon gobies. A tank full of shrimp would be really colorful and interesting. Shrimp have a lot of personality.