Galaxea Coral


Active Member
I bought a Galaxea Coral 2 days ago, and could really use some info on it.
Currently it's placed high up in the tank, about 5 inches from 260W of PC lighting and has high water flow over it. The short tentacles are moving around pretty fast, so it gets lots of high speed water flow.
Any advice and tips will be helpful.


I don't have one...but I hear you want to keep the far from other corals because they have long tracers they send out for stinging. Do you have a picture?


Active Member
here's a pic. I think based on what I read in this forum, it's too close to my leather (to the right) and my candycane (to the left) corals.
What do you think?


I'd move it a little further from the candycane. My galaxia has shown sweepers up over 6" :eek: Other than that, mine's under 192W PC as few inches from the surface and it's doing fine. Although i'd like to get some more light for it.


Active Member
Yes beware of the sweepers. Mine does battle with my frogspawn which is more then 6" away. It also kills mushrooms, but not as fast as they can reproduce.


I have mine on the sand in the right hand corner. He has plenty of room and good flow. I use 4x 96watt PC (2 of those are actinic 03). He seems to be doing very well. he has plenty of space around him especially with him being in the corner.
I need to get a better pic this one isn't too great.


Here's a little better view. I like him being down in the corner with less stinging potential.


Active Member
I stayed up very late to catch the sweepers w/ my flashlight, but never saw any. How come you guys have seen them? Light went off at midnight and I stayed until 2am to see them, but nothing, the coral had just contracted and no sweepers out.
I only put it there so that it could get more lighting, but if it'll be ok on the sandbed I'd move it there, too, just to be safe.


I'm not sure how long the sweepers get on mine. When I've noticed them out during the day they are about 1-2 inches. I've never tried looking at it after the lights are out.
This morning I prematurely turned on the lights to do something and I saw the sweepers out on my candy cane. That's the first time I've ever seen them. Kind of strange looking.
Let us know where you wind up putting yours.


Active Member
Is it possible for a galaxea coral not to extend its sweepers? I don't want to sit down all night and see if they pop out or not :)