

Hey all,
do yall happen to have a picture of a closed galaxea< i bought a coral that looks kinda like the galaxea skeleton, but i'm pretty sure its alive
actually, it looks just like the galaxea skeleton, but does the closed galaxea look like the skeleton? just with color? The surface around the white stalk-ish things is green, and I'm pretty sure it is live, but what does the closed Galaxea look like?


I've done all that, but I need a picture of the coral when it is closed, but not dead. Does it every like close up totally?


Active Member
I have a purple Galexea and the only time I've ever seen it closed up is when I first added it and my peppermint shrimp would attack it and last week for about an hour after I moved it to a new tank.
I don't have any pictures, but the best way to describe it when it's closed is that it has a tannish mat with several crater-like bumps on it that the polyps retract into.
Mine seems to like flow. Give it some strong but indirect flow and see how it responds.


Ok, well it is a brand new coral today. It is not open at all but some purple appears to be down in the little white craters on the greenish mat.
So should I give it a few days.... to expect it to open?
My calcium is at about 400mg/L, is that good? I used some SeaChem Reef Complete, to dose it up that high. My ph is perfect and salinity is 1.024 - 1.025 with a water temp of around 83 degrees average. Warmer with halides on around 85, and then 80 during night when all lights off. Nitrates, Phosphates, and Nitrites are all 0.000.
I've got a slight diatom outbreak on my sand, besides the cleanup crew, is there anything i can do to get rid of it?


Here are some pictures of what I think is the galaxea.. Some little tentacles seem to be startin to poke out of each white skeleton nub.


Not really, you can allways see the "teeth". I never see ONLY skeleton. I know that at night under my moonlight your get a good view of the skeleton but not really during the day. I moved it right before I took the pic and that is pretty much as closed as it has ever been.