Galaxy Coral


Hi, I recently purchased a galaxy coral... on impulse... i normally research what i buy but i happened to be in a different city and the lfs offered it to me half price because they have had the coral for so long...
anyways i get home and find out it's one of the most aggressive corals, and it is my first addition to my converted fowlr to reef. 77g
should i look at getting rid of it? or will it be ok placed in a corner surrounded by some live rock and current blowing it against the glass?
tones of questions i guess... i've done a search on the galaxy coral and some say there tough to maintain others say no prob...
what would you all recommend a newbie to reef does? (other than research before buying :rolleyes: )
also what other corals would be good for beginners? I'm not new to the hobby just corals.


Active Member
I wrote a COTW on them and they come from all kinds of depth so the lighting is generally recommended as a medium to high lighting. I've seen several nice specimens under a variety of lighting types.
Your plan to put it into a corner and have a powerhead blow it into a corner is the way a lot of folks go in order to keep the sweeper tenticles out of other corals hair.
The aggressive portion is hte sweeper tenticles and those come out as lights are going down.
I'd suggest feeding it meaty foods if you have some decent lighting (sorry you don't mention it).
Also - what kind of reef do you want?? SPS or LPS and softies??
If you are concerned then I'd suggest returning it to the LFS for credit.
Good Luck and HTH!