***Gale's 6 month old reef***


Here are some updated pics of my 29g reef. Still a noobie but I have been having some pretty good success.
Currently using:
Bakpak 2r skimmer (love it..had a coralife but it was too big, now its a back-up)
2 maxijet powerheads
dosing with calcium and trace elements as needed
Tank inhabitants:
* two tank raised clowns (layla and carter)
*tank raised neon goby (moby)
*fire shrimp (bono)
*eight line wrasse (mayer)
* 7 nassarius snails
*10 scarlet hermits
*two astrea snails
*3 turbo snails
*two ric's (one is floating around in t rockwork somewhere..cant get it to attach)
*Red mushrooms
*Sun coral
*Some sort of pink colt coral (still not positive on ID)
*Torch coral
*Green plate coral
*Candy cane coral
Comments welcome...



Wow, I love hat bright yellow thing! What is it? (Sorry I'm pretty new to salt water so I am still asking lots of questions.)
A really pretty tank!


thats the sun coral...pretty easy to keep. They don't need light, only big issue is making sure they get fed (small meaty portions). Mine open up whenever they sense food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bustedadam
any other ideas on the pink coral in the third photo?
Beautiful tank. Third coral is dendronepthea...common name~ carnation, extremely difficult if not impossible to keep.


for lighting I bought one of the orbit setups that include actinic lighting as well as moonlights...no MH yet...
In regards to the pink coral being a carnation...I have seen several carnation's before, none of which looked like this one..in addition, it is open during the day (not at night like I have heard most carnations are)...if that is the general opinion though, i may take it back to the fish store and get something a little easier to keep. Even though I am having some good luck so far, I don't want to push it.


Active Member
I did hesitate to call it a carnation, but it is close. Can you get any other shots of it ? Are there any spots that are'nt pink?{indicating it could be dyed}


I will take some more pictures of it this evening. The base kind of fades into an orange color. I don't disagree that it could be a carnation, it just seems....thicker, like it has two main stalks and when it opens (like in the picture) they are as red as most carnations I have seen.
After doing lots of research on carnations, I've learned that there are several different types...some harder to keep than others. I've learned the tough lesson of not buying something when you aren't 100% sure of what it is...I guess we all learn it at some point.


Active Member
When you add the MH's the Green Plate..(Which I guess is a short tenticle)
will really expand...I think I have a pic of my orange...The picture doesnt do it justice as its about 7" across


Active Member
Originally Posted by bustedadam
The base kind of fades into an orange color..
I was afraid you were going to say this. This could be why it looks different...distorted.. It may have been an orange that has been dyed, in which case it may really have a tough time surviving. If so..it's a shame. I wish they would'nt do that.


here are some more pics of the pink coral (showing the orange-ish colored base)...thanks for all of your help. It WILL get figured out someday :)
Also some more pics just for fun.



Active Member
Well..I hope I am wrong, but it does look as though it's been dyed. I would take it back & complain if you can. It may be even the LFS is unaware of this practice. Unfortunately and on top of this being a difficult coral, it is almost always a death sentence for it. Your pics are great, love the clowns.


the 3rd pic is something we are still trying to ID. Possibly a carnation or some sort of colt coral. All are doing well so far.


Active Member
I looked some more today. Look at Scleronephthya spp~Flower Tree Coral - Red / Orange ..it looks much closer.