Gale's new tank diary


I am currently in the process of cycling my first saltwater tank.
35lbs of marshall island rock
65g coralife super skimmer
2 maxijet 1200's
orbit compact 30" lighting system
Ammonia was pretty high for the first few days, did a small water change to bring it down. Nitrites are starting to show and the cycle is in full swing.
here are some of the first pics.
Let me know what you think :)



Active Member
if that was the heater hanging you can hide it byturning it sideways and stash it behind the lr hide some of the equipment anyway it's looking good


Current plans for the tank involve several scarlet hermits, several various kinds of snails and maybe some other interesting invertebrates.
As far as fish are concerned, a Clown Fish, Royal Gramma and a Six Line (all added much further down the road, obviously)
I am looking into doing some nice beginner corals that would work well with my lights.
Thanks for all the good feedback so far. I think I lucked out with some really good rock. As far as the heater, I don't think it is fully submersible (it is a ebo-jager), although I will try moving it behind the rocks to see how it looks.


Active Member
If I did my research right, I believe hermits will kill snails to get to there shells, BUT if you have enough empty shells for them they should leave them alone. For me I'm doing Emerald crabs and snails and then putting hermit crabs in my refuge.
I think zoos are good beginner corals and they do well with medium light.


Here are some updated pics (taken today). I'm not sure if the red fuzz that is growing on my rocks is diatoms or what(it is more red than brown). Also does anybody know what type of plant may be growing in the third pic? I also added about 20 empty hermit crab shells (you can see them in the last pic on the bottom right).
Thanks and let me know what you think. :jumping:



Active Member
first marshal island rock pics i have seen - they look great!
you will likely find a lot of stuff growing on these rock because their sheer amount of color and biological variety is what makes them so pricey.
the one pic looks like macro algae of some kind, you should take it out if it gets to be nuisance


What are some types of Zoo's that you would suggest (the more color the better). Also, what is the best way to get rid of the slime algae?
Thanks for all the replies so far.


What type of filter do you have? I don't see a intake or return? Reason I ask is because I have the same size setup and my back is all cluttered since I don't have room underneath for a sump or fuge. I like how you got the Skimmer off to the side I might try that


will this algae that I have cycle it's way out? When it's time to add the clean up crew will they take care of most of it? sorry for all the random questions.
I am using R/O water, and ammonia just finally hit 0 today. Nitrites are slowly going back down. More pictures soon.


Great rockwork! The formation on the right looks like a dragon head, very cool.
I was finishing up our rock work and stuck a piece of tonga branch on top of one of the piles and it looks like a hand coming out of the rock . . . we call it the Hand of Pele, after the Hawaiian lava goddess.