Game Fish in Aquariums

Hello! I am an avid fly fisherman (catch and release only) and am establishing (after a long hiatus from marine aquaria) a 65 gallon saltwater tank in my office. In the past, I have had all sorts of the fish that are discussed here under "Aggressive Setups." I am wondering if anyone has any experience in keeping saltwater gamefish in aquariums; fish such as redfish, snook, permit, tarpon, crevalle jacks, dolphin (mahi mahi), etc. Are these fish able to be remain small when in a small tank or are these completely not an option? I assume that this is not an option, but thought I'd check and any thoughts are appreciated.


in my opinion you are going to need a much bigger tank since these fish do get big and slo like alot of roon for swimming.


Active Member
way to go, i love to flyfish too,
unfortunately your answer is no, unless you have a really large aquarium , and i mean over 10,000, those are all big and strong swimming fish, it would be cool to raise a dolfin(mahi mahi), but out of hte wild with no predators, they would get 6 to 7 feet in 4 or 5 years, and swim hard to start with, i love them and wish it could be done as well


Active Member
im an avid saltwater fisherman too. my flyfishing skills need a little tunning though. not a chance to do those fish man. i know a couple of guys who have pinfish, croakers, and some other odds and ends theyve caught in castnets and "weeding" through grassbeds. bo


Don't know if this will be of any help but I once saw a tarpon for sale at a store and it had a sign on the tank that said "not for tanks under 220 gallons".
Pretty cool looking fish and it was only about 6 inches long.