Garden eel tank


Active Member
i am highly considering setting up a garder eel tank. can someone help me with this...
what sizr tank would they need?
how deep a sand bed?
how do you feed them?
should i use lr?
right now i have a 10 gallon with an aquatech filter that is going to waste and would like to know if that is sufficient size? if ot what is? thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :help:


The only thing I can find about them on other sights is that if you want you can keep several of them if your tank is >100gal and you have 6 inces of substrate. It didn't say anything about min for 1 eel.
The smallest size acceptable tak I have found listed for any eel is on SWF at 20 for a snowflake. I would probably go buy that as a minimum, but I've only been hooked into this hobby since Father's Day this year when I found out I was getting a tank.
Good luck with the Eel ( I would like to get a Japanese Dragon Eel one day - when I have a big enough tank and $1500 to put down on one fish )


Active Member
Definately something, here, that I can help out with as I'm going to be converting my 90gal. tank to a Garden Eel tank, when my 200gal. is set back up and my Hawaiian Dragon and Whitemouth Moray go back to their bigger home.
They're a communal species, so it's suggestive to keep 3+. I'd say minimum for 3 is a 75gal. tank.
You're gonna find only 2 species available, in the hobby. The Splendid Garden Eel (Gorgasia preclara) and the Spotted Garden Eel (Heteroconger hassi), with the Spotted being the more common.
8" - 10" sand bed would be required so if you can find a tall tank, you'll be better off.
Feeding would be with things like mysis shrimp or chopped krill, as they're opprotunistic feeders. They'll poke their heads out of their hole and catch whatever floats by. They also live in high flow areas, so you'd need a high flow rate, in the tank.


Active Member
if i got 1 would a 10 gallon be ok? i found a site where it says the minimum is 20. not sure if thats for 1 or not....... could i biy like 4 inches of playsand and then mix it with some ls?


Active Member
Going back and restating what I already said...
Originally Posted by AW2x3
They're a communal species, so it's suggestive to keep 3+. I'd say minimum for 3 is a 75gal. tank.
8" - 10" sand bed would be required so if you can find a tall tank, you'll be better off.
You put 8" - 10" of playsand in a 10gal. tank and you're not gonna have room for rock, etc. The Eel sticks his head out of the hole and it's above water.


they are vary picky eaters so make sure you see them eat before you get them, also when i had mine i had 3 korilla 4 on one side and 2 #2 on the other. just beware of creating sand storms in the tank because they have very deilicate eyes and can get infection if there is alot of sand moving around.


I have a tesselatta and a snowflake. I wouldn't put that much sand in there because they move it around and out of their way anyway. I have enough to cover bottom, and then they move it around until some spots are bare tank sometimes. They like to wiggle through it so I can't imagine how messy a tank would be if it had 6+ inches of sand