ok well no one posted so i said
it and got one. i doubt anyone will care but i'll stick to this thread for updates on it for future referance in case someone does, ill put soem pic up later this weekend.
starting info: the eel i got is about 7" long, I dripacclimated him for about 15 minutes, thats when he jumped out of the acclimation container and we made an emergency dop into the tank. note to self: when acclimating these guys will try to stand on end since they have no sand to burrow in and push themselves out.. have a deep acclimation container.
I dropped him on the side of the tank that has a 6" to 8" sand bed and he quickly hid behind some rocks, and did not burrow. after about 20 minutes had was half burrown horizontally and stayed there for a couple hour, the next morning he fully burrowed in a spot close to the glass in about 6" of sand.
day 1: not much activity would not come out of his hole more then eye level. no eating
day 2: no change
day 3: would come out about an inch or two, inspected food as it went by but would not go for it note: when he comes out he faces the glass as if expecting food to coem form that direction, its not smart.
day 4: would come out of his hole more and started to pick food that came by but would retreat if another fish came near, still facign the glass
day 5: repositioned power heads to create a medium flow directly over
day 6: changed feeding habits and i now feed the fish on one side of the tank and then while theyre eatign feed the eel, this works much better and he is now facing the flow and comes out about 3" to 4" to get food he wants.
day 7: still eatign fine, is much braver now and is picking food out even when fish are nearby, sudden movements still send him back in the hole, is not aggresive at all, just hides.. a small hermit walked right over his burrow and he just sat there and waited it out.