Garibaldi damselfish


Does anyone have a Garibaldi damselfish?? I was searching around and ran across this fish. He is very pretty but his water conditions are colder than I keep my tank. If anyone has one or has any info on one, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


One of the larger damsels, this fish can grow up to 12 inches. A species thats not usually available to the aquarium trade.
Fish from the Damsel family are known as a "starter fish" due to hardiness. While they are very forgiving to poor water quality, they can become extremely aggressive. Avoid docile tank mates, as they most likely will be picked on.
Provide plenty of live rock and ample hiding places. Will readily accept high quality flake food, as well as almost all meaty items
Maximum Length: 12 in.
Care Level: Easy
Family: Pomacentridae
Reef Compatibility: Reef safe.
Minimum Aquarium Size: 30 gallons.
Range: Eastern Central Pacific: Monterey Bay in California, USA, Baja California, Mexico.
Diet: Omnivore
Water Conditions: 70-75 F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Expensive as heck for a damsel! 119.99 on the site i looked at.


Active Member
Expensive & pretty ? Oh yeah. Consider this - as they reach mature adult, they lose the pretty colors and turn to a gray green drab color.



Adult. Supposed to be horribly aggressive and will hit about a foot in length. I would not recommend this fish personally to anyone unless they have a beastly tank... JMO You can find them out in the Kelp forests off the cost of Oregon and Washington. Coldwater species.
Image from San Francisco State University


ok, thanks for all the info everyone! It is a beautiful fish but yeah, a foot long is large! not a fish for me! :0)

saka bra

i live in So Cal and this is what they lool like when i see them in Dana Point Harbor. They are extremely orange, and big and aggresive.


coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by txfishman
One of the larger damsels, this fish can grow up to 12 inches. A species thats not usually available to the aquarium trade.
Fish from the Damsel family are known as a "starter fish" due to hardiness. While they are very forgiving to poor water quality, they can become extremely aggressive. Avoid docile tank mates, as they most likely will be picked on.
Provide plenty of live rock and ample hiding places. Will readily accept high quality flake food, as well as almost all meaty items
Maximum Length: 12 in.
Care Level: Easy
Family: Pomacentridae
Reef Compatibility: Reef safe.
Minimum Aquarium Size: 30 gallons.
Range: Eastern Central Pacific: Monterey Bay in California, USA, Baja California, Mexico.
Diet: Omnivore
Water Conditions: 70-75 F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Expensive as heck for a damsel! 119.99 on the site i looked at.
What kind of idiot would put a 12 inch fish in a 30 gallon tank?????

dive girl

The grayish-black fish posted is a damselfish but it's not a garibaldi.
The first photo of the orange and blue spotted fish is a garibaldi and as it gets older it loses it's spots until it is orange.
Damselfish can be agressive, especially when you consider their size.

The Garibaldi is California's State Marine Fish and is protected here. Of course, living in our temperate water makes it or should at least make it a no-no for reef aquariums.


Oh... I had always seen the Orange ones, but I thought that as they aged, they dulled out to the dull gray-black I posted before... Well, you learn something new every day!!! Thanks!