garlic and ick?


New Member
Some one tell me if the garlic treament for ick is reef safe. I have a purple tang and a emperor angel that both have it please help fast.


it is definately reef safe. do a search and learn more about it. There have been many posts on this in the disease forum recently. freshwater dips also work well to fight ick.


Active Member
fosterfish, Heres what we do, We buy garlic from the grocery store pre-chopped, poor some of the juice from it into a little dish and put the food you feed to soak in it, let set about 10 minutes and then feed it to the fish. It works , we've never really had any luck with anything else. It is reef safe. Just don't use it for more than 4 days in a row, we have done this once and it caused our tank to cloud up. Hope this helps...Lisa

purple tang

New Member
I use garlic juice that comes in a bottle. Just pore a little over frozen food let it thaw . Worked great for me twice. Has never clouded the water.


what kind of garlic juices do you guys use. and how do you apply it to the fish. because i have a cb angel that needs help fast. could i buy fresh garlic to heal the fishes and reply will be hepful!! thank you very much. :confused:


Active Member
Like blueberryboomer said, you can use the garlic JUICE that comes pre-chopped in the jar or use "kyolic" garlic juice from GNC stores. I use the kyolic, but eighter one will work. Just take any of your frozen type food(say a weeks worth) put it in a cup and add say 30-40 drops to the food. Let it soak and thaw a while and feed regular daily amounts with an eye dropper. It has worked great for me. Cleared up ick in my reef and my cb angel loves it too. :) HTH


I have been using McCormicks Garlic Juice we got from the local grocery store. This seems to be removing the parasites, but is slow going, but my puffer definitely looks better after 1 week of treatment. We just soak krill or our other frozen food in garlic and feed with it. So far so good, and the McCormicks was like $3 at the local Farmer Jack.


just ran out to the store today. and got some mccormick gralic juice today and applyed mixed it with my frozen food. so wish me luck feeding it to my fishes. :rolleyes: