garlic and ick


New Member
I have a sailfin tang that would not eat or come out from his rock he would just lay on the bottom and he looked very lathargic. I thought for sure he would be dead this morning . I have heard so much about garlic that I thought I would give it a try it has been two days since I have been soaking his food in garlic and giving him zoe on his seaweed selects. well tonite he is swimming all over the tank and eating like he normally eats, the spots he had on him they look like some have disappeared. I gave all my fish garlic and zoe on their food and none of the other fish have ick. I think I may have found an easier way this time. Anybody else try this with luck.


New Member
well.. actually i'm new with this do you use the garlic with the ick fish..and how to make a better garlic juice for the ick fish. please assist me


New Member
I just went to my health food store and got some garlic oil in gel capsule form. I take flakes or frozen food like formula 1 or 2 and take one of the capsules punch a hole pour it over the top and let it soak for about 45 min. I have been feeding with garlic every meal and it seems to be working . I think after 3 weeks of soaking in garlic I think I will still do this once a week just for a preventive measure. I don't why it works but all I know is my fish are doing fine.


New Member
Hello again....
Can I use ordinary garlic plant instead of garlic oil for the ick treatment in the reef aquarium?
as far as the last post, i dont think so, im not positive on that, but it probly dosent have the nessarry indegredants alive to help the tank. but just as a few warnings i would take the tang out of there and put it into a good sized healthy tank, see garlic yes helps with ick however it should not be your only defense aginst the disease. if its fed every day, and thats the only thing helping your tang whats gonna happen is over time the ick is going to build up an immunity to the garlic then its gonna be twice as hard to get it out of there, also iHEARD(dont know how true it is) that if garlic is fed , some fish somewhat lose there appitite and or the water looks cloudy and or smells bad, but i would defitally not use ONLY garlic as a cure


New Member
thanx ...
Well .. do you have any other best solution for ick , beside using garlic , garlic oil or ick medicine..
i'm using an ordinary garlic plant and its look perfect for my saddle back clown , chromis & damsel....
please assist me
RR :confused:


Active Member
Garlic worked for me also. Only took three days of feeding 2 times a day and wam bam the ick was gone.


Hey guys what the heck is ZOE???
Do you use this "ZOE" in conjunction with garlic food??


New Member
I have been using garlic once a week now and soak food in zoe twice a week and invested in a uv and my tank is thriving of course my 55 gal has been up and running now for over 5 years I bought used and kept all the cc and added live rock 3 months ago. The naso tang that came with this tank is 5 years old.
I really beleive that with the right diet most fish can fight it off.but always qt new fish.


Active Member
Thats what i do. Soak all food in zoe exept flake (turns to mush). You should notice a difference in your fishes color and over all health, at least i do. :D HTH


New Member
I found the Garlic soaked foods worked well for my ick problem also. I don't;however, have a UV and I believe this is why it didn't take long for the ick to come back.
As for why the garlic worked. My roomate said they used to give their dogs garlic before they went out into the woods or fields on hunting and camping trips and the dogs came back with very few or no ticks. I think the premise is the same here. The parasites have a taste for the fish and seem to loath the taste/scent/chemicals of garlic and therefore willingly detatch themselves from the affected fish.


Staff member
You can find Zoe and Zoecon in petshops, fishstores or you get it online at a pet supply.


Have any of you garlic users had trouble with your protein skimmers not working after your garlic oil soaked food feeding?


New Member
no my works fine and it is actually getting more crude out than ever. mine is a remora and it works great.