Garlic Xtreme vs. Stop Parasite


Has anyone had any success at beating ich with these two products? I have ich on my purple, powder blue, & hippo tang. I don't have a hospital tank big enough for all three, also not one set up. So I would like to try something that I can do in my DT. Any advice, experiances, or anything with these two treatments please chime in! Thanks!


Active Member
I have used Stop Parasite successfully 3 times. However being that I used it 3 times is evidence that the product did not kill the ich, but it did eliminate the visible symptoms of the parasite on my affected fish. It will drop the PH so some buffer can be helpful.
I also use Garlic Extreme regularly just to add to the food, but never to fight ich. I use it more as a preventative.


do uno if you eliminate the visible signs is it considered 'treated' I don't mean that it's out of my tank but is the fish's health will be okay? not fighting something i don't see? if that makes any sense, lol!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lietz06
do uno if you eliminate the visible signs is it considered 'treated' I don't mean that it's out of my tank but is the fish's health will be okay? not fighting something i don't see? if that makes any sense, lol!
You're treating the fish without killing the parasite. Meaning that ich could potentially come back someday.


Originally Posted by crimzy
You're treating the fish without killing the parasite. Meaning that ich could potentially come back someday.
+ 1 on this. I have had great luck with seachem focus and metronidazole.

al mc

Active Member
As other posters have noted it is unlikely that either product will eliminate the Ich infestation. Is this a reef you are talking about or a FOWLR system that by defionition contains no inverts?


Originally Posted by Al Mc
As other posters have noted it is unlikely that either product will eliminate the Ich infestation. Is this a reef you are talking about or a FOWLR system that by defionition contains no inverts?
I am wondering that as well. Also how big is this tank and what is in it? If your tank is large, and not overly stocked, then you can get away with just treating ich. If we are talking about a smaller tank, then no matter what you pour into the tank, the fish will not be able to escape the ich that will continue to infest them.


Active Member
I used Stop Parasite and as stated, the ich disappears, then comes back as soon as dosage is dropped. It doesn't get rid of ich, it just seems to hold it at bay for a while.


Active Member
I don't know how true this is but U.V's kill of some of the infections on fish and floating in the water? Sense I have run u.v's I have been able to keep tangs which are pron to ich and other outbreaks.


Originally Posted by Al Mc
As other posters have noted it is unlikely that either product will eliminate the Ich infestation. Is this a reef you are talking about or a FOWLR system that by defionition contains no inverts?
I guess it's considered reef, no corals, but some snails, hermits, 3 anemones and a sea urchin.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am wondering that as well. Also how big is this tank and what is in it? If your tank is large, and not overly stocked, then you can get away with just treating ich. If we are talking about a smaller tank, then no matter what you pour into the tank, the fish will not be able to escape the ich that will continue to infest them.
It's a 200 gallon with hawkfish, purple psuedochromis, 2 clownfish, 4 tangs-3 of which are the ich carriers.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by lietz06
I guess it's considered reef, no corals, but some snails, hermits, 3 anemones and a sea urchin.
I was hoping it was a 'fish only' tank as you could have tried to permanently eliminate the Ich by using hyposalinity on the display tank itself.
I preface my next comment by suggesting that the best way to try to eliminate the present Ich and preventing recurrence is thru the use of a QT/HT tank and that I do not like to dump chemicals/treatments into a reef tank........BUT, if I have to use a product in the DT I would use KickIck ( a product containing a metronidazole derivative) and treat all food with freshly squeezed garlic extract and vitamins


Originally Posted by Al Mc
I was hoping it was a 'fish only' tank as you could have tried to permanently eliminate the Ich by using hyposalinity on the display tank itself.
I preface my next comment by suggesting that the best way to try to eliminate the present Ich and preventing recurrence is thru the use of a QT/HT tank and that I do not like to dump chemicals/treatments into a reef tank........BUT, if I have to use a product in the DT I would use KickIck ( a product containing a metronidazole derivative) and treat all food with freshly squeezed garlic extract and vitamins
yeah, i do need to set up a qt, but i don't get fish enough to keep one set up. when i get a new fish can i just do a waterchange on my dt and put 10 gallons outa that in a a 10 gallon w/ pvc pipe and would that be okay?
I actually ordered kick ick last night w/ some vitamins..selcon, vitachem & garlic i'm hopin this will help. I would rather not put stuff in my tank either but i can't imagine how i'm going to get those 3 fish's a 200 gallon w/ like 200+ lbs of lr-plenty of hiding space!

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by lietz06
yeah, i do need to set up a qt, but i don't get fish enough to keep one set up. when i get a new fish can i just do a waterchange on my dt and put 10 gallons outa that in a a 10 gallon w/ pvc pipe and would that be okay?
I actually ordered kick ick last night w/ some vitamins..selcon, vitachem & garlic i'm hopin this will help. I would rather not put stuff in my tank either but i can't imagine how i'm going to get those 3 fish's a 200 gallon w/ like 200+ lbs of lr-plenty of hiding space!
I understand your predicament. Good luck with the treatment plan!