

I cut a fresh garlic clove into quarters and let them sit in a double shot glass of water for days. Then I add the fish food to another shot glass and add some of the garlic water to that shot glass. After a few days I will cut the garlic into smaller pieces, and add more water. A clove of garlic lasts me a couple of weeks. Or they do have garlic supplements at most LFS.


Active Member

Originally posted by richfish
i hear people talking about do you add it to your food?

I don't like garlic. :hilarious


So you would just add a drop or two of the garlic-water to the fish food? Sounds pretty easy actually....


Active Member

Originally posted by Sula
So you would just add a drop or two of the garlic-water to the fish food? Sounds pretty easy actually....

Next round's on me!



Bigarn, I'm assuming you were thinking of this one?
Originally posted by Sula
Remind me not to have you mix me a drink...

Make it a Bloody Mary - garlic won't go with anything else


yeah, let it soak into the food for about a half an hour at least, the fish go crazy. No only does it help their immune system, but apparently it stimulates their appetite.
My job actually does require some bartending on occasion, and I can make some pretty interesting rank drinks. Most are popular for giving people on their 21st b-day, for fun or a joke.


Originally posted by Gilpil
My job actually does require some bartending on occasion, and I can make some pretty interesting rank drinks. Most are popular for giving people on their 21st b-day, for fun or a joke. [/B]
Oh man, I REALLY must repeat: I NEVER WANT YOU TO MIX ME A DRINK!!!!



Originally posted by Gilpil
Ask a bartender to make you a "Cement Mixer." You will love it. I swear.

uh huh
and does that one use the garlic shot glass or the fish food shot glass?:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by Sula
uh huh
and does that one use the garlic shot glass or the fish food shot glass?:thinking:

OK!....The first round's on Gilpil.



Neither, it is a shot of bailey's and a shot of rose's sweetened lime juice. You take both of them and hold them in your mouth and shake your head, like a cement mixer would mix cement and water. Well, you do not tell the person that the lime juice will coagulate the bailey's and you'll be swallowing a mixture that has the consistency of cottage cheese. Let me tell you, that will coat your mouth for hours too.


Active Member

Originally posted by Sula
Hey, quit trying to horn in on my free drinks here!!!

Good Luck! Cement Mixers not for me.

Next round's on you! :D