

I have read in the past about people treating with garlic I have a pair of maroon clowns and the male I have just noticed has what looks like a ring around his eye and possible a spot on his tail fin. I don't know if this is the start of ick.Is there anyone on the board that has used garlic as a treatment and if so how? Or do you suggest some thing else. Thank you.


Garlic is not used as a treatment rather as a prventative measure. The garlic helps boost the fish's immune system. To use garlic you can soak the fish food in a pure garlic ectract for about an hour before you feed the food to the fish. You may want to post this in the disease forum, or maybe one of the sharks will move the post there for you. The prefered method of treatment for ich would be to use hypo salinity. I don't believe that a ring around the eye is a symptom of ich. What are your water params ie salinity, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and ph? Also how long have you had this fish? Also what does the spot look like, and size of spot?


Sorry I don't know what hypo salinity is . My perameters have been good. Nitrates and nitrites at zero. The salinity was high at about 26-27.I have been decreasing that slowly with with small water changes. Phosphates were high at about .50 which I think is under control now and down to untracable limits.The fish has been in the tank since the beginning of January and doing great I might add.I try to do things slowly.The spot is very very small at best, but I know how fast the spread can be.Thank you

nm reef

Active Member
Nutiot I'm going to move this to the disease & treatment forum....they may be better able to help you on this one.