Gas Bubbles Between Sand and Glass


I have started getting gas bubbles and brown tint in my sand. At first I would stir it up just so I didn't have to look at it but it would come back in a couple days. Well, I decided to leave it alone for a while and noticed the brown go away but the bubbles remain. Is this good or bad? Anyone Know?


Active Member
You have just won nitrogen gas bubbles. It will bubble out of your tank and disapate in the air. The side benifit, it also lowers your nitrates.:D BTW, don't stir it up, let it work.:happy:


Active Member
NO, like dburr said it is just Nitrogen gas. This is the by-product of the entire nitrogen cycle. Of course you know that when Nitrites are consumed they turn in to Nitrates. What in the heck happens to the Nitrates from there???? Well, its easy, a good DSB or LS bed will help consume Nitrates and then "poop" Nitrogen gas. Hope that helped.


Active Member
Yes that is normal. That may be the sulfide by-product of the bacteria. Not sure of all the details on that. That's why if you stir up the bed you smell sulfer. Let the critters stir it up for you.:happy:


Active Member
Yes the gas bubbles are good. To help keep your sand clean get a clean up crew, such as hermit crabs and some snails. They eat the brown stuff so you don't have to stir it up.


Active Member

Originally posted by cprdnick
black spots? describe it a little better.

i have a DSB and some sopts at the bottom are black like black circles, some purple and lots and lots of air pockets. i also see some what looks like tunnels i am guessing its worms.


Active Member
I thought you meant black dots or something. If they are just black areas, then they are as said above, normal. These are what I believe are called anoxic zones where the actual denitrification makes its last move. I could be wrong on the name.