Gas Cans

for transport of water from the tank when moving has been suggested several times in the past. I have a real problem with purchasing these gas cans, moving and then returning the gas cans to get your money back. Just think of the guy who goes in behind you and purchases the gas can to use for lawn mower gas. I will never buy another gas can without checking it for remnants of water!
Anyone else have a problem with this practice?


Active Member
That is insane.
If one were to "buy" some plastic gas cans for moving or storing saltwater - that's fine.
You buy them for that purpose - you should keep them for that purpose only.
If people are out there using "used" containers for this purpose - they are indeed asking for some major problems.
Gas cans are for gasoline.
A gas can "CAN" be used for any other liquid including saltwater, but never should they be switched back and forth.


Active Member
Use TRASH cans...not GAS cans. Dont fill them all the way, maybe 1/3 full, and put the lid on.
Then return the TRASH can. <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />
I got my 5 gal containers for about 2 bucks each (5 total) from a surplus store. what used to take me about an hour and a half to do a water change with 1 can now I can do in about 10 min.


I tried to use plastic gas cans at first had a bad problem of them leaching and throwing off my water quality. Be careful it could happen to you. I was told you should only use food grade plastics for storing water.


To expand a bit on what broomer posted:
Gas cans, all of them, are coated on the inside with a petrochemical to prevent the gasoline from deteriorating the plastic.
It takes A LOT of thourough rinsing with water to get that coating out of the inside of the can.
I know someone who found out the hard way that the chemical used is lethal to things that live in water...


If you need plastic containers to move the tank or for water changes you can also ask your LFS for empty salt buckets. They are usually more than happy to give them away as they accumulate them very quickly. These are also almost guaranteed to be safe with at worst some salt residue left in them and have tops.


i gree if you purches anything and put salt water or for that mtter fresh water you sould not reture it to the store really not gas cans that could cost someone else lots of money and i would be piss of if ifound out that te store took back a gas can that had watrer


i gree if you purches anything and put salt water or for that mtter fresh water you sould not reture it to the store really not gas cans that could cost someone else lots of money and i would be piss of if ifound out that te store took back a gas can that had watrer


So, what do you think about the person that uses damsels to cycle their tank and then returns them to the LFS for money back? I think this is a common practice and it bothers me, because the LFS will put them back into their sales tank and you have no way of knowing if this poor fish has lived through a cycle or not. Then when I go to buy one for my already cycled tank I get a fish that may be much more aggressive, have a much shorter life span, and probably is more sensitive to disease. I think we'd all be pissed if we bought a fish, like a tang, that had been mistreated by a previous owner without knowing. That whole practice makes me mad.


Is'nt it ironic that some people are so cheap that they "buy" and return the gas cans to save what amounts to nothing when you consider the amounts of money this hobby takes? Heck, the cost of 5 or 10 gas cans is less than half the cost of a bucket of salt.


Damn Beecher, where are you getting your gas cans? I would love to get them for that cheap. Or, actually, I don't know how much a half bucket of salt costs. :D
Originally posted by Beecher:
<strong>Is'nt it ironic that some people are so cheap that they "buy" and return the gas cans to save what amounts to nothing when you consider the amounts of money this hobby takes? Heck, the cost of 5 or 10 gas cans is less than half the cost of a bucket of salt.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I agree though. It's wrong to take the gas cans back to the store, risking the next purchaser putting gas into it and into their engine. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> Poor dude!!!


I just use some of the old 5gl water jugs that we use for drinking water and labeled them for salt water. + if you fill em half way add salt and shake well then add the rest of the water it mixes really easy no more stirring hehe.
Tom <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Are you kidding??!! With what it costs to PROPERLY maintain a marine system, is the cost of a few plastic jugs really a big deal? I bought 4 6 ga jugs at Home Depot for about $8 each. When I do a water change, I buy 12 ga of RO from my lfs and then use the other 2 jugs to drain off the old water. A 12 ga water change takes me less than 10 minutes. I labled 2 of the jugs as RO and the other 2 as salt.


instead of buying gas cans just buy the water jugs in the camping section at walmart or somewheres like that. when i set up my tank i bought 5 6gal and one 7gal that has a nozzel at the end so its easier to poor our alittle ro water when i need it


i use gas cans for my top off water.i dont see anything wrong with it but dont be cheap if you buy the can keep it


u can go to wall mart and buy 50 gal water tubbs to use, i have found them to be perfect. they have a handle and carry well !!!! they cost around 6$ a piece


hey LuvLuv are you sure they were 50 ga tubs?? That would be about 350 lbs when full of water. You say easy to carry cause they have a handle?? At 350 lbs they should come with a fork lift


Hey BamBamn74, I live in Wisconsin......gas cans are dirt cheap here. I think they figure that we are taking it in the shorts enough on the price of gas so they give us the cans cheap! :)
Oh, man....I just heard on the news that a gas truck when in the ditch on the interstate....the price of gas just went up 10 cents before they could even roll the truck back over.
BTW I also think the LFS's around here subscribe to the same theory as gas stations when it comes to pricing salt! If you can get a bucket of salt around here for less than $50 you're doing good.