Gas prices pissing you off?

darth tang

Active Member
It should come down dramaticly in the next couple months. If history repeats like it normally does.
At the moment the Arab oil companies are pumping out 1.2 million barrels of oil a day over demand. Last time that happenned was back in 1996 or 1997, I can't remember. Witht hem pumping more than the demand the price dropped by 56%. So in the next couple months we should see our gas prices reduced by atleast 40%. If not. I say everyone stop driving for a week and then see what happens.


Active Member
yes they piss me off, but still 2.79 a gallon isnt horrible, but we have to get to wrok dont we?


Active Member
unfortunately i sell well we drive our dealership cars, i suppose i could ride to work, much good in 90 degree weather with a suit and tie on!


Active Member
I drive a jeep wrangler.... which is about as aerodynamic as a brick. You can literally see the needle on the gas guage go down on the interstate.
The more they pump up the prices in gas, the less I drive, so it doesn't affect my wallet as much as it does my social life. People will just start doing things like recycling cans and whatnot to make up for the high prices. (I recycled 14 pounds of cans today and got $7)


What is really p*ssing me off is the futurities people here in the USA who are bidding up the price of gas trying to make money off the misery of the hurricane victims as well as the rest of us. They are just a bunch of slime mold and that's an insult to the real slime molds. :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
People will just start doing things like recycling cans and whatnot to make up for the high prices. (I recycled 14 pounds of cans today and got $7)
There ya go!
Its all satans fault, OH mean bushs fault


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
You have to wipe your butt also, but would you spend say 40.00 on a package of TP?
True, but you could use newspaper or leaves or something...

We can't very well pour milk, water, or booze as a replacement to gas, though. I wonder how high the price of heating oil will be this winter...glad we use gas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by schneidts
I wonder how high the price of heating oil will be this winter...glad we use gas.
I use propane and let me tell you - in Iowa it is over $2.00 right now. Generally in Iowa you get a contract with a co-op at set price and discounted. You have all summer to set this up. Gas heat isn't going to be any better than oil or propane. As a matter of fact in Iowa, we have an electric rate freeze due to wind energy and many people are using electric heaters as second heating units due to the cost being less expensive than what the predictions sounding like.
This year, the co-ops got burned so bad, they only allowed two weeks for contracts in my area. When you sign the contract, you pony up 10% of what propane you will use for the year.
I have a 3600 square foot house with over 30 windows. Last winter, it cost me an average of 1.20 for propane per gallon and I spent $3600 for propane for the winter. You do the math and figure out how bad it is going to be.
Last year, I installed a Munchkin hot water heater boiler system in the house. It cost us $10,000 by the time it was purchased and installed. It is supposed to be 97% efficient. Granted, I didn't close off my four season room for half the winter, but you can bet the minute the heat gets turned on, the four season room is going to be closed off this year.
I about died going to the gas station today and in four hours saw the stations raised prices here 20¢ and on the CBS evening news they showed one gas station in Atlants charging $6.39 for a gallon of the CHEAP gas. I'm in an ethanol state and hope it doesn't get that bad but I filled up my Corvette and Durango and spent $90.00.
Crying at the mere mention of gas....
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
It should come down dramaticly in the next couple months. If history repeats like it normally does.
At the moment the Arab oil companies are pumping out 1.2 million barrels of oil a day over demand. Last time that happenned was back in 1996 or 1997, I can't remember. Witht hem pumping more than the demand the price dropped by 56%. So in the next couple months we should see our gas prices reduced by atleast 40%. If not. I say everyone stop driving for a week and then see what happens.

Gas prices will be sky rocketing due to the oil not pumping in the Gulf of Mexico and 7 refineries no longer open due to the hurricane . What is causing the splke in prices before the hurricane was demand coupled with too few refineries to process. All the drilling in the world will do nothing unless you increase refinery capacity.
not only will you not see a drop in price...get ready for a very expensive winter with the cost of heating fuel through the roof. You can also preapre yourself for a period of inflation.
You can expect gas prices to rise quickly over the next several weeks to a month. Should those refineries remain off-line you can expect shortages soon with long lines and/or rations. All of the above is a good possibility...and likely to happen.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
You have to wipe your butt also, but would you spend say 40.00 on a package of TP?
Why make comments like this, big diffrence between cleanig your a** and needing to move aournd and make a living.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
You have to wipe your butt also, but would you spend say 40.00 on a package of TP?
is it soft?

Is there a limited supply of tp ?

May go as high as 55.


Before anyone gets all upset, I don't like the price of gas going up. Not much I can do about it, just limit all my drivig around. It's going to hurt my pocket this weekend going out of town.
But not letting that stop me. :joy:


Originally Posted by cirrusdawg
how can you limit your driving when yo have to drive 52 miles a day to get to and frome work??
Stay at home more....I am cutting out going out if I really don't need to. But this is jut me. My wife and kids woun't mind much, we can do a lot of stuff at home.