Gasping sweetlips


I have a 75 gallon fo tank, and my oriental sweetlips, who is a hardy and aggressive eater for over six months is gasping. He still eats well but has become a little sluggish. His fins are slightly frayed, but this has happened before and they grow back fine. Just wondering what could be causing his labored breathing given his apparent good health otherwise. Any suggestions welcome.


Staff member
Labored breathing and frayed fins could spell a bacterial infection. Have you noticed any other fish being aggressive toward this fish?
What are the readings of you water? Do you notice any red or swollen gills, red streaks on body or tail area? Do you have a separate hospital tank? What type of tank do you have? FO, Reef, LR or LS?


Gills do seem a little swollen, but he's not being picked on. Just noticed that I have a small trace of nitrite, which concerns me a bit, seeing that I always do proper water changes. The fish still eats quite aggressively though.