GB Maroon & Frogspawn?


Can my frogspawn host my GB maroon. Ive kept a percula with frogspawn and he jumped right in. I am using the "picture" method right now, but does anyone else have any suggestions/tips/will this even work?


Active Member
You won`t know until you try . Fish have different personalities and there is no guarantee it will host .


Active Member
My gold band maroons have taken up with different kinds of corals, and in general I've noticed they prefer anemones but will take up with corals that are similar in structure to an anemone. Hammer corals make good homes too.


as I have said many times before if clowns host in frogspawn, hammer, torch, elegance, etc it will die...its just a matter of time.


Active Member
my goldband maroon first hosted my toadstool that was probably as big as my hand, but it got sick so i had to frag the toadstool. now it host my bubble coral


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
as I have said many times before if clowns host in frogspawn, hammer, torch, elegance, etc it will die...its just a matter of time.
what will die, the clown or the frogspawn, hammer, torch, etc....
I have a 24g nano, with pc lighting, (white/blue and moon) and I dont think I can have an anemone, so I was thinking of getting one of the ones you mentioned above, but I dont want to kill anything.
Opininions please....


They get irritatated by the clownfish, like I said its not if its when...I'm sure there are some crazy exceptions to the rule, but it will happen sooner or later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
They get irritatated by the clownfish, like I said its not if its when...I'm sure there are some crazy exceptions to the rule, but it will happen sooner or later.
I agree...My mated pair hosted a huge frogspawn and killed it. Then they hosted a bigger hammer and killed it...

Finally I bought them an anemone and will deal with it moving and damaging my other corals.
The clowns are so cute though


Ive read Clowns love to play in Alveopora in the wild, drives them crazy.. sort of like a cat and catnip.
I have alveopora... at first it would withdraw all the time because the clown kept trying to clean it and rubbed all over it... then in a few days i guess it got used to it....
been like 5 months since my clown started hosting it and theyre both fine, but i do agree that a clown will harrass coral trying to host it, not let it come out for light and eventually die. In my case i guess i just lucked out.


Originally Posted by Jesses89
Ive read Clowns love to play in Alveopora in the wild, drives them crazy.. sort of like a cat and catnip.
I have alveopora... at first it would withdraw all the time because the clown kept trying to clean it and rubbed all over it... then in a few days i guess it got used to it....
been like 5 months since my clown started hosting it and theyre both fine, but i do agree that a clown will harrass coral trying to host it, not let it come out for light and eventually die. In my case i guess i just lucked out.
It depends on how much they are in the coral. but I would watch your coral, I have read many cases where it took a year before it finally receded and died.