
lord fu fu

ok so i was at That Fish Place for the first time and it was overwhelming lol it was like the BJ's of fish store (except excellent quality) so i got a beautiful 4.5" GBTA for only $40 and was just wondering what you all feed yours and how often


I feed my GTBA a sliver of fresh wild caught shrimp from the seafood section of Harris Teeter. I do the same with my Purple LTA, and silver sides to my green carpet. Usually 3 times a week for each.


We feed our anemones, two GBTA and one RBTA mysis about once a week. Sometimes we feed them live baby brine shrimp or arctipods, but mysis is the main diet. If you have clowns that are hosting it, they "SHOULD" feed it, but mine don't.


I feed mine 2x a week. Mysis, small krill, silver sides w/o heads, raw clams from the fish market and scallops. The key I think is not to over feed. I am feeding twice a week to Incurage grouth. When it gets to a desiarable size than feed once a week. Make sure your tank is stable and mature.

dive girl

My fish only feed their guts, not their anemone. I feed mine raw shrimp from the seafood counter but it also gets food when I fee the tank.
I wish it would stop growing!