GDP increases 3.5%



Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'd agree with you if I hated the united states, and was so inept that I thought the US government would run my life better, than I could...
who said i hated the U.S.? and how is a government run OPTION going to run my life? its a choice!!! and its not mandatory. my god man quit twisting things. options and choices in life are a good thing.


Active Member

Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
who said i hated the U.S.? and how is a government run OPTION going to run my life? its a choice!!! and its not mandatory. my god man quit twisting things. options and choices in life are a good thing.
Who is twisting what? I said, if I
hated the united states, and thought MYSELF an inept boob incabable of handing my own affairs. And thought the government would be better than running my own life, than I am. Then I'd agree with you.
The very fact that you felt the need to defend yourself from accusations that you created in your own mind is very telling...


Originally Posted by reefraff
If they tripled your deductible and co pay I'd be talking to a lawyer but in any case those issues can be fixed without throwing out the whole dam system.
there are tens of thousands of cases like this Reef. like i said they are out of control and are making windfall profits even in a bad economy. a public option would force them to do good business and stand behind there customers when they truly need them, or go bankrupt. let us remember that we are not talking about car insurance or houses were talking about peoples lives and like i said before a profit margin should not dictate wether one gets adequate treatment for illness or disease. it's litterally inhumane what some folks have to go thru...



Originally Posted by stdreb27
Who is twisting what? I said, if I
hated the united states, and thought MYSELF an inept boob incabable of handing my own affairs. And thought the government would be better than running my own life, than I am. Then I'd agree with you.
The very fact that you felt the need to defend yourself from accusations that you created in your own mind is very telling...
dont belittle me i know dang well what you were insinuating! just becuase we disagree doesnt mean one loves and the other hates. its like when people were protesting the war. you GOP'ers were calling them anti American. but on the otherhand you praised those at the town halls who were protesting the health care issue. both sides LOVE the country or they wouldnt care at all! i dont want or need the government running my life or anyone elses. i just want whats right and when i comes to health care money shouldnt be an issue and sick people shouldnt go broke because they got sick!


Originally Posted by stdreb27
MAntis, you have a legit problem, you aren't profitable to ensure. I wouldn't be against government "insuring" you. Similar to what they do on the gulf coast, for flood/storm surge insurance.
That would make some sense.
sorry right now he doesnt have that OPTION! lol lol lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
dont belittle me i know dang well what you were insinuating! just becuase we disagree doesnt mean one loves and the other hates. its like when people were protesting the war. you GOP'ers were calling them anti American. but on the otherhand you praised those at the town halls who were protesting the health care issue. both sides LOVE the country or they wouldnt care at all! i dont want or need the government running my life or anyone elses. i just want whats right and when i comes to health care money shouldnt be an issue and sick people shouldnt go broke because they got sick!
hell, I don't know how much more clear I could make that. But if you wish to walk around with your eyes closed and fingers in your ears. I can't stop you.
And no both sides doen't love the country. All you can to do is go to Obama's church to see that, but wait then you're going to tell me, he isn't there anymore, and he never heard the drivel. And it is a non-issue.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
hell, I don't know how much more clear I could make that. But if you wish to walk around with your eyes closed and fingers in your ears. I can't stop you.
And no both sides doen't love the country. All you can to do is go to Obama's church to see that, but wait then you're going to tell me, he isn't there anymore, and he never heard the drivel. And it is a non-issue.
your telling me that war protesters DONT love the country but health care protesters DO? do you even realize how STUPID that sounds? if your protesting it's because you disagree with what your government is doing. and if you disagree it's because you CARE! Iraqi war protesters wanted our troops home and not DIEING for a war they believed was unjust. they didnt or dont hate the government or the military they cared about our boys over there and the Iraqi people. Rev. Right served in the US military and he has the 1st ammendment right to say whatever he wanted. it doesnt mean Obama was onboard with that specific issue. do you REALLY think our President hates his own country? i'll bet you do. but Bush loved it because he sent our own boys and girls to die for nothing! and cost us trillions! Iraq was ZERO threat to our national security, it cost us thousands of lives and emptied our coffers. your ignorant!!!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
Iraq was ZERO threat to our national security, it cost us thousands of lives and emptied our coffers. your ignorant!!!
Hindsight is always 20/20......also, please define, a threat to our national security....Because as I see it, a cruel dictator in control of a substantial amount of resources greatly affects our national security....Maybe you don't remember or didnt learn about that time there was a gas shortage......


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
there are tens of thousands of cases like this Reef. like i said they are out of control and are making windfall profits even in a bad economy. ]
Windfall profits? Insurance companies in the 30's when it comes to corporate profitability.
Don't take queen Nancy's word for it, research it for yourself
Just as an example the one I could think of Aetna, had a 3.8% profit last year. Coke's margine is over 20%.


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
dont belittle me i know dang well what you were insinuating! just becuase we disagree doesnt mean one loves and the other hates. its like when people were protesting the war. you GOP'ers were calling them anti American. but on the otherhand you praised those at the town halls who were protesting the health care issue. both sides LOVE the country or they wouldnt care at all! i dont want or need the government running my life or anyone elses. i just want whats right and when i comes to health care money shouldnt be an issue and sick people shouldnt go broke because they got sick!
Most of the criticism over the war protesters was aimed at a bunch of idiots who were out telling lies and making crap up. There were some who though any protest was unAmerican and I would be the first to say they were full of crap


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
your telling me that war protesters DONT love the country but health care protesters DO? do you even realize how STUPID that sounds? if your protesting it's because you disagree with what your government is doing. and if you disagree it's because you CARE! Iraqi war protesters wanted our troops home and not DIEING for a war they believed was unjust. they didnt or dont hate the government or the military they cared about our boys over there and the Iraqi people. Rev. Right served in the US military and he has the 1st ammendment right to say whatever he wanted. it doesnt mean Obama was onboard with that specific issue. do you REALLY think our President hates his own country? i'll bet you do. but Bush loved it because he sent our own boys and girls to die for nothing! and cost us trillions! Iraq was ZERO threat to our national security, it cost us thousands of lives and emptied our coffers. your ignorant!!!
Now your assertions about Bush are as dumb as those who claim Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Clinton though he was blowing up a chemical weapons plant in Suddan. Like Bush he went on the intelligence he had available and made a decision. Both were "victims" of congress deciding the "peace dividend" we got after the USSR fell meant we didn't need human spies any more.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Most of the criticism over the war protesters was aimed at a bunch of idiots who were out telling lies and making crap up. There were some who though any protest was unAmerican and I would be the first to say they were full of crap
Glenn Beck called the war protesters unAmerican but on the otherhand was organizing "tea parties" and calling all those who joined Patriots, lol. protesters prtoest because they have strong convictions and ALL of them love there country wether we personally agree with them or not. you and i disagree on alot of things politically Reef, but i would never say you hate America or are un-American because you disagree with me. ttyl...


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
Glenn Beck called the war protesters unAmerican but on the otherhand was organizing "tea parties" and calling all those who joined Patriots, lol. protesters prtoest because they have strong convictions and ALL of them love there country wether we personally agree with them or not. you and i disagree on alot of things politically Reef, but i would never say you hate America or are un-American because you disagree with me. ttyl...
If you can't tell the difference in Jane Fonda type protests, and people getting mad because politicians are ignoring the constitution...


Active Member
Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
Glenn Beck called the war protesters unAmerican but on the otherhand was organizing "tea parties" and calling all those who joined Patriots, lol. protesters prtoest because they have strong convictions and ALL of them love there country wether we personally agree with them or not. you and i disagree on alot of things politically Reef, but i would never say you hate America or are un-American because you disagree with me. ttyl...
If Beck called all war protesters un american he was wrong. Now if you care to look at pictures of many, if not all of the large protests you will find many signs and such from people who are anti-American as far as out way of life, the World Workers Party, DSA etc. There are a lot of Communist/Socialist groups that piggybacked on top of the war protests. They desire to change our form of government so in that sense many of the protests/protesters are anti American.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
They desire to change our form of government so in that sense many of the protests/protesters are anti American.
Not sure I follow your assertion here.
Hasn't it largely been those whom we've elected who've changed our form of government? (NAFTA, G8/10, IMF, World Bank, WTO, Federal Reserve, Graduated Income Tax, The "Patriot" Act, etc. were instituted by popular demand?)
The '99 WTO conference in Seattle, for example, had Unions, Gay Rights groups, Christians and Anarchists all protesting what the conference stood for. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
If changing our form of Government is the definition of what is anti-American, we should perhaps be taking a closer look at our representatives than we are our populace.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Not sure I follow your assertion here.
Hasn't it largely been those whom we've elected who've changed our form of government? (NAFTA, G8/10, IMF, World Bank, WTO, Federal Reserve, Graduated Income Tax, The "Patriot" Act, etc. were instituted by popular demand?)
The '99 WTO conference in Seattle, for example, had Unions, Gay Rights groups, Christians and Anarchists all protesting what the conference stood for. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
If changing our form of Government is the definition of what is anti-American, we should perhaps be taking a closer look at our representatives than we are our populace.
We are still a republic last I looked. Most unions and Gay rights groups don't want to change that. The patriot act didn't change our form of government, it was a result of it.