Gelatain like substance?


One side of one of my rocks has a gelatian like sustance on it. It is translucent and a very light green . I will try to get a picure but I don't think it will show up well.
Any ideas about what it is?


Active Member
Sounds like a slime algea of sorts. Possibly cyno.
Water changes and limiting nutrients will help with the problem. Providing that the water you add is good. ie: RO/DI


One more thing. I have had Cyno before and you could easily get it up or siphon it up, but this stuff doesn't easily come off and its texture is kind of like jello also.


Active Member
Man, do I wish I knew. I've got the same thing. It is nothing like cyano, it seems more like a sponge, and is more of a green to a pale yellow. I've got it growing in my Nano at the closest spot to the light and to the spray bar.