General Sixline Behavior


Active Member
as for their behaviour, they will kill off any wrasse added after it, but there are ways around this too. they will eat all your pods, so don't have a mandarin. they will even outcompete flatworms for food.


Active Member
I have mine in a Biocube and he did leap into the back chambers after only being in the tank for a few days. Never did it again, but is concern enough to add a top once I get a sunpod.
I've had my six line for almost a year with no problem. My Mystery Wrasse on the other hand, jumped right through the egg crate.


Same... my lfs has a 90g mixed reef DT and has had a sixline running open tank for years, but he went through about 5 yellow corris wrasses to jumping.


Originally Posted by spanko
IMO eggcrate is light diffuser. I personally don't want my MH diffused. I like the pond netting better. But that is just me.
You know, I was going to say that IDK if it will affect light, but I deleted it.
I was thinking the same thing you were, but I figured since everyone encourages teh use of them, and up until now I've NEVER seen anything to make me think it would be bad, I decided not to mention.
Sorry for the possibly bad advice. Go w/ spanko's idea.
Mine have also never jumped...The only time I have even seen them come near the top was looking around powerheads and stuff, then they went right back down.