general suggestions

paul woodward

New Member
Hi, I have a tank that is a about 4 months old now.
75 gal
45 lbs live rock
50 lbs dolomite
protien skimmer
amiracle sl-50
aquaclear 500
under gravel w/2 660's
78 deg
I have slowly added:
2 damsels
8 blue leg crabs
2 clowns
1 yellow tang
1 tangerine wrasse
1 peppermint shrimp
1 camel shrimp
all have done quite well except for the 2 shrimp did not make it. they both died between 2-6 weeks. I just learned about the need for Iodine. the tank still looks way to empty to me. I think I might add another 15 or so lbs of LR. I have done water changes on a monthly basis. how many more fish can I safely add? water tests have been encouraging. I would like to have (eventually) double the amount of fish I now have. (if possible). this is my first SW tank. Also, any suggestions for an automatic feeder? I am not always able to be home for 2 daily feedings. I have not yet started a quarantine tank, but have a 10 gal to do so. any basic setup requirements as far as required equipment?
I appreciate all replies.
thanks, Paul

bang guy

Hi Paul,
You have the unfortunate luck of having me reply first ;)
I believe that Iodine causes more harm than good with shrimp. It's a pretty big debate so you'll probably have to decide on your own. I raise Peppermint Shrimp and purposly remove as much Iodide from the water as is possible for what it's worth.
Next time you try Shrimp, and I think you should, acclimate them very very slowly. Dripping into a 5 gallon bucket about one drop per second will give them time to adapt to the new salinity. They also do best at Natural Sea Water (NSW) salinities. That's about 35 - 36ppt or a Specific Gravity (s.g.) or about 1.025 @ 78F. I think 78F is a bit chilly (very debateable) but in my experience shrimp have a high tolerance for temperature and 78F will be fine for the shrimp.
I'm not familiar with the Tangerine Wrasse, is it compatible with ornamental shrimp?
I believe doubling the number of fish you have is possible but not the bio-load. In other words I suggest you strive for small inactive fish to complement your current inhabitant list. Clown Gobies, Small Blennies, etc. Avoid adding another Clown or Tang no matter how irresistable they are :p
I'm not a fan of UG filtration but it can be very successful if you are as diligent as you appear to be.
None of the fish you listed need to be fed every day, let alone twice a day. If you do not have algae on the rocks for the Tang to graze buy some seaweed sheets to hang for it. They need their greens. It sounds like you are feeding flake food. If so make sure the first ingredient is marine fish meal or some other marine organism. Most of the color enhancing marine flake food has this. Corm meal is not a good main ingredient regardless of how much the fish enjoy eating it (think Big Mac).
Good luck!