generator ?


Active Member
well its that time of year when we have to worry about hurricanes. my question is how do I know if a generator will have an auto on function? basically I will only need a small generator maybe 1200 to 1500 watts so that the tank will not come anywhere near its 50percent that I see them rated with. I need it to come on automatically because my wife and I will more than likely be at her moms if something does happen.


Active Member
I would just go to Lowe's and ask them if they have any auto on generators. You are looking for one with an electric start that automatically senses when the power goes out. I know they sell several of them like that. Basically if the generator does not have an electric start, then it won't turn on automatically.


Active Member
I guess my next question would be do you think that they would have something that small with an auto on?

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by salt210
I guess my next question would be do you think that they would have something that small with an auto on?
The auto-start units typically are the larger systems. If you go that route, be prepared to part with a large sum of $$.


Active Member
alright. thanks guys. ill have to look into another avenue. I currently live in an apartment so the larger systems wouldn't be something I could do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt210
alright. thanks guys. ill have to look into another avenue. I currently live in an apartment so the larger systems wouldn't be something I could do.
With that said you would probably have a hard time convincing your landlord that you want to cut into the wiring and splice a noisy generator in...
You might look into an APC power backup supply. I have my pumps hooked up to one and they can power everything for about 8 hours with the power off. If you want more time than that you can add more battery packs to them. You could easily power everything for a day or more.
Mine is a SmartUPS 1000VA battery supply. You can't hook lights or a heater up to it but if you needed to, you could get a much larger unit.
The best thing is they are silent, completely automatic, and you can unplug them and take them with you when you leave. There's no need to splice into wiring and no need to ask permission from landlords... they function as a regular appliance.


I have to purchase a 12k to get an auto on unit but it will power my whole house with no problem. If you do buy one you will need an auto transfer switch to which run anywhere from $200 to $1500 but that all depends on the load. I paid $5600 for my generator installed and the $1300 for the transfer so get ready to pay.


Active Member
sly I remember reading about something like that on here before. I can't remember the name for it tho. the one I read about was I believe 200 and it said I think that it would run 400w for about 8 hours. I just want to run my return pump off it which is 112w. would this increase running time? would it be a good idea to get 2? how much did you pay for the one your running and where should I look to get one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt210
sly I remember reading about something like that on here before. I can't remember the name for it tho. the one I read about was I believe 200 and it said I think that it would run 400w for about 8 hours. I just want to run my return pump off it which is 112w. would this increase running time? would it be a good idea to get 2? how much did you pay for the one your running and where should I look to get one?
Here is a runtime chart for the APC SmartUPS:
You can add battery packs to each unit to increase runtime. I have a 220v model hooked up to a transformer to reduce it to 110 volts. I paid $35 for it brand new including shipping but that was only because the company I bought if from was going out of business. The 220V models seem to be cheaper online because most people need the 110v models instead... That's why I got the one I did and just bought a transformer to reduce it to a usable voltage.
I have mine wired up to a 220v line outside my electrical box in my house and then reduced by a step down transformer to 110v. The skimmer and the main system pumps are hooked up to it and I can get about 8 hours off it. As a bonus I wired up the lights to the main floor of the house and so I can also use the lights when the power is out as well.
I would just search online for one. They are sold everywhere. Maybe you will get as lucky as I was and get a good deal from someone who is closing out on them...