Get another fish or wait?


Since my one clown fish died the other day, my 2nd clown fish and my tangs have been looking pretty glum. They just kinda stay around where they normally sleep and my hawkfish just swims around like a hoping maniac.
Should I get another clown fish for the tank and hopefully restore some balance, or should I wait and see if they get their good spirits back?
I have a 29 gallon bowfront, 2 medium tangs, 1 small clown (all three under 1.5 inches) and a flame hawkfish (about 2.25 inches). So over population I don't think is a problem currently for one more clown.
edit: damsels not tangs (too much reading about tangs)


a yellow tail, and a black/white stripped (not sure of the exact name) I got them really tiny (about 3/4 inch) at ***** 2 years ago and they haven't grown much. They don't eat much either, and they get fed twice a day.


everyone pegs the tangs for being over aggressive, but they got/get along great with my clowns ever since the first day I introduced them.


oh geez....... WOW

And its not even 11am here...... let me get some coffee....
and yes damsels, I feel so foolish!


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Fish don't miss a tankmate when they die, they are not mourning the clown's death.
they don't go nuts now when I walk up to the tank, they don't even run and hide. It just happened after the other fish made his leap of faith, so it seems like mourning to me. I wouldn't know how else to explain it then.


Originally Posted by roadie996
oh geez....... WOW

And its not even 11am here...... let me get some coffee....
and yes damsels, I feel so foolish!
LOL....I was kinda wondering about that....
You can get another clown if YOU want one for yourself..LOL...They are cute to watch in pairs.....Just be sure to get a smaller one..(that is what I have heard anyway)


could it possible that they are being docile now because my hawkfish is basically the tank king now? The fish he spooked out of the water was bigger then him, and didn't take any crap from him either. I'm wondering if they are just scared, since fish really can't feel remorse. It would make sense as too why the sudden behavior change, right?


Amm - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 5-10ish (can't really tell with the color chart)
edit: SG around 1.025, H2O temp 77-78F