Get ready to see your gas prices rising significantly


Originally Posted by zman1
Never fear DFM -- You have seen the BP commercials, they are working diligently at perfecting the next generation of high tech storage batteries!
So they can patent them and shelve the technology for at least 10 years.

Help GM become no 1 again buy a Volt. Heck everyone has 40000.00 in change in there pockets.


Originally Posted by sickboy
They can't all be electric, but enough of them could be to significantly drop our demand for oil.
also, hybrids currently offer no savings over gas cars. You will pay more for the hybrid then you will for a normal car + gas over the lifetime of the car.
This is why geothermal and solar are failing. There is no benefit to change. Sure there is an environmental benefit, but that isnt enough to drive the change. It needs to be $$$


Active Member
Yeah, my dad thought about a hybrid, but even at $4 gas, it was cheaper to get the traditional engine after doing the math.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
also, hybrids currently offer no savings over gas cars. You will pay more for the hybrid then you will for a normal car + gas over the lifetime of the car.
This is why geothermal and solar are failing. There is no benefit to change. Sure there is an environmental benefit, but that isnt enough to drive the change. It needs to be $$$
This is why oil isn't going away for a loong time, IT is less efficient, not nessesarily cleaner than the "green" alternatives. And why the conspiracy theorist people are wrong.
What gets me is that somehow a car full of toxic batteries is cleaner than pumping plant food into the air. Go figure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Hey, I'm just curious how you guys (especially stdreb and darthtang) expect us to pay for social security in the coming years? I understand that at points in time decreased taxes correlate with increased tax revenue, but not all of the time, so how do we set our tax structure to take care of it? And getting rid of SS is not an option. Wouldn't setting the rates slightly higher now help build a surplus to lessen a drastic increase later on?
Get rid of it. I'm dumping $$ into a system, that will NEVER pay me a dime. It has clearly deviated from its original intent. It doesn't work (and by the test proposed by your fearless leader) should be axed. One way us killing vs, vs it dying in bankruptcy it won't be around for me to get a dollar.
This falls under the purview of liberals think government is more adept at planning for my retirement than I am. But I digress.
Personally I'd propose privatization. (kind of like the capital hill cafeteria) Write into the law that congress can't use that as their secret money cookie jar. Or Pay back everything in one lump sum that has been paid into it. Then say you're on your own. (hey we've been printing money to hand to major companies why not?)
Not that it will eever happen.

darthtang aw

Active Member
We can't get rid of it Strreb. Without, disabled vets, handicapped, mentally challenged people that do not have the physical or mental ability to work draw from this fund. without it, where do they get funds. Their situation is through no fault of their own and thus I feels deserve to be cared for and draw that money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
We can't get rid of it Strreb. Without, disabled vets, handicapped, mentally challenged people that do not have the physical or mental ability to work draw from this fund. without it, where do they get funds. Their situation is through no fault of their own and thus I feels deserve to be cared for and draw that money.
Is that what it really is being used for? Not really.
That is like saying we should allow all abortions just because 10% of them are abuse victims.
There are PLENTY of redundant programs out there.


Active Member
save social security by not spending the money on other things, and dont say iraq because ss was long robbed for other social programs long before the war.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Is that what it really is being used for? Not really.
That is like saying we should allow all abortions just because 10% of them are abuse victims.
There are PLENTY of redundant programs out there.
I don't see the correlation...but ok.
My point is this. Take it back to what it was intended for. Government can not dip into it. It is a "personal retirement account" when that happens. Right now at the rate we are going, in 15-20 years there will be no SS left. That means those people that are no 60 and just started getting their SS will not have anything when they are 80. If you allow it to run out then the government will get to come in with a NEW program that takes care of the elderly THAT PAID into SS but can't drw from it as they should. So basically by ending it you are saying it is ok for the government to STEAL all that money the we as citizens paid in for something in return.
To me, that is like paying a tax for roads. Then government saying roads are stupid but we are keeping your money.
No, ending it and not fixing it are the weak way out. FIX it. This isn't some new program from the last couple decdes, this has been ongoing for a longtime. And to be honest, I can't afford to take care of my family, my parents, and my in-laws in 20 years if their SS runs out. Can you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I don't see the correlation...but ok.
My point is this. Take it back to what it was intended for. Government can not dip into it. It is a "personal retirement account" when that happens. Right now at the rate we are going, in 15-20 years there will be no SS left. That means those people that are no 60 and just started getting their SS will not have anything when they are 80. If you allow it to run out then the government will get to come in with a NEW program that takes care of the elderly THAT PAID into SS but can't drw from it as they should. So basically by ending it you are saying it is ok for the government to STEAL all that money the we as citizens paid in for something in return.
To me, that is like paying a tax for roads. Then government saying roads are stupid but we are keeping your money.
No, ending it and not fixing it are the weak way out. FIX it. This isn't some new program from the last couple decdes, this has been ongoing for a longtime. And to be honest, I can't afford to take care of my family, my parents, and my in-laws in 20 years if their SS runs out. Can you?
well, I'm a mexican that is what we do take in our parents...
But the correlation is they may use is, but so does another percentage that shouldn't.
On a more serious note.
Politically there is no way you'll ever get rid of SS. As for fixing it, my hopes aren't up either.
Any fundamental change and you'll have republicans running to the hills with democrats screaming "they're gonna take away your benefits."
Bush mentioned SS reform, proposed expanding it and they did that...
If I was supreme ruler (and I have no idea how much $$ has been paid into it) but I'd refund everything. And say there you go. Pat them on the butt, and then make sure the "special needs" people are taken care of in other ways.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Yeah, and demand actually decreased, so please tell me how this is going to raise prices unless wall street is manipulating the price (which it was, probably while they knew they could get away with it....aka under Bush's watch)
Yes, because it is the President's responsibility to regulate how people invest their money in commodities...


Active Member
Originally Posted by dogfaceman
yeah i dont care who voted for it, we shouldnt have been in there, when Kennedy was president the congress wanted him to bomb cuba, but kennedy was smart and didnt. thats why he is one of the greatest presidents ever.
no and I dont know why they shouldn't be all electric?
Ya... you're gonna need to read about the Bay of Pigs invasion...