Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
I don't see the correlation...but ok.
My point is this. Take it back to what it was intended for. Government can not dip into it. It is a "personal retirement account" when that happens. Right now at the rate we are going, in 15-20 years there will be no SS left. That means those people that are no 60 and just started getting their SS will not have anything when they are 80. If you allow it to run out then the government will get to come in with a NEW program that takes care of the elderly THAT PAID into SS but can't drw from it as they should. So basically by ending it you are saying it is ok for the government to STEAL all that money the we as citizens paid in for something in return.
To me, that is like paying a tax for roads. Then government saying roads are stupid but we are keeping your money.
No, ending it and not fixing it are the weak way out. FIX it. This isn't some new program from the last couple decdes, this has been ongoing for a longtime. And to be honest, I can't afford to take care of my family, my parents, and my in-laws in 20 years if their SS runs out. Can you?
well, I'm a mexican that is what we do take in our parents...
But the correlation is they may use is, but so does another percentage that shouldn't.
On a more serious note.
Politically there is no way you'll ever get rid of SS. As for fixing it, my hopes aren't up either.
Any fundamental change and you'll have republicans running to the hills with democrats screaming "they're gonna take away your benefits."
Bush mentioned SS reform, proposed expanding it and they did that...
If I was supreme ruler (and I have no idea how much $$ has been paid into it) but I'd refund everything. And say there you go. Pat them on the butt, and then make sure the "special needs" people are taken care of in other ways.