geting bit by a goldentail moray



I've been bit before but by larger morays. Yes is hurts. Their teeth are extremely sharp and even if the eel just grazed you, it would slice through flesh. I wouldn't recommend it.


Active Member
yeah !! im perdy shure it will hurt!! i campare morays to sharks.. only more agressive for it's size.... i mean.. nothing messes with a moray that it's size.. not even sharks..


New Member
i have a 20 inch snowflake and i feed him by hand. he bites occasionally but it doesnt hurt just a little pressure kind of like a pinch


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hunter29
i have a 20 inch snowflake and i feed him by hand. he bites occasionally but it doesnt hurt just a little pressure kind of like a pinch
yeah, but snowfalkes dont have sharp pointy teeth


a snowflake wont hurt as bad but can still cause a wound. as for a goldentail their teeth are like razors and will do some damage especially when they are larger. when they are about 15" long they can easily take your finger in their mouth and that wouldnt be i would not hand feed them.