getting a 215 starfire


Active Member
Should have it in house by mid July, but still alot of design and spec work to go over with the builder......


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hey acrylic,
how have you been. I havent posted in awhile because of my new job but ive been creeping around


Active Member
as far as ich and transfer go... when you place you new tank. .. transfer rock,sand,water. this will begin to cycle again as you have the sand bed disturbed.... the other fish can then be treated in your 90g for ich however you would like (hypo,feedings,at a last resort copper) or you can get a new sandbed in the new tank... but the lifecycle is a month so wait two months to be sure before adding fish to new tank.
just a suggestion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Should have it in house by mid July, but still alot of design and spec work to go over with the builder......
Well, I'm happy for you, but I was kind of refering to stangbabe's tank since it is her thread, and we kind of highjacked it.
but you had better make a good thread with all your pictures. And how big is it going to be?