Getting a 24gal. SW!


Ya you could keep a clown fish, just research the type you want. A pair I don't know. you could keep a firefish also, clown goby or other small goby and maybe some blennies, not sure on those though.
Have fun


How bout:
2 clowfish
royal gramma OR fire fish
2 clown gobies
12+ BB snails
couple turbo snails
banded shrimp
sexy shrimp
a couple of coral packs from ***********
is that OK? :)


You would probably be ok with that list as long as you go with a smaller species of clown. I would get a pair of true percs and probably leave out the gramma/firefish and go with the clown gobys or maybe some sort of shrimp goby. Not that the gramma/firefish wouldnt be ok, your just flirting with maxing your bioload on that tank.
As far as corals go, this site sells corals and you need to be careful about posting for other sites that compete with this one. Good luck...


Originally Posted by daayda3
How bout:
2 clowfish
royal gramma OR fire fish
2 clown gobies
12+ BB snails
couple turbo snails
banded shrimp
sexy shrimp
a couple of coral packs from ***********
is that OK? :)
like the list but i would say go for a chalk basslet and purple head firefish and have a plan to add mandrin after about a year

ric maniac

Active Member
the coral banded shrimp might eat the sexy shrimp also. but i would get the cbs anyway because they have tons of personality. and the fish list sounds good but go with a smaller species of clown, becasue your pushing the bioload a bit


The coral banded shrimp will eat the sexy shrimp as ric maniac mentioned, but there is also a chance that it will eat small to medium fish. They are usually okay with fish, but they need to be watched. A skunk or fire cleaner shrimp would probably be a better choice and not a danger to your other inhabitants.
The bumble bee snails arn't a good choice as they are snail and sand bed infauna predators. They look cute, but will kill the snails and other critters that actually benefit your tank.
With the fish I'd try to lower it to 3 or 4 of those instead of all 5. A pair of Percula clowns and a firefish, would add plenty of color and movement to the tank.
The suggestion of adding a mandarin isn't a very good one in my opinion. They are notoriously hard to get feeding on anything aside from live pods and they will starve to death in a 24 gallon unless you are willing to commit to hatching baby brine every single day or culture/buy pods separately.


Originally Posted by daayda3
stupid question, I heard that you dont have to do water changes on SW as often as FW...
is that true?


I do about 3-4 water changes on my 10 gallon a month. I try to keep it at about once a week but sometimes I'm a little busy.


Originally Posted by daayda3
stupid question, I heard that you dont have to do water changes on SW as often as FW...
is that true?
Nooooo, if anything on a smaller tank water changes are vitally important. Like poophead said once a week religeously.


It came today!!!
ONE more stupid question, I promise:D
Should I add the sand before or after I add the water? Thanks:D


...sorry for not updating yalls... I just got through a huge spike of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia... and the ph went down... but its all fixed now, and I have 1 clownfish, 1 clown goby, 5 snails, zoos and mushrooms