getting a job at an aquarium


Most public aquariums have websites that contain links with addresses or emails for that type of thing. Unless your looking to volunteer, Im going to assume that most, if not all aquarium related jobs will require atleast a masters degree in zoology, or marine biology, or ecology or something along those lines.


Active Member
Actually you would be surprised. There are many in the aquarium industry that wouldn't hire a marine biologist for anything.
However, you really must be a certified SCUBA diver, and be prepared for hard, smelly, exhausting and low paying work.


Active Member
Well actually, I'm not really qualified nor looking for a low paying job in animal husbandry. The way I'd imagine it. Is that if you are going to be well paid in an aquarium for taking care of animals you probably already have your masters. I am a business major, and was thinking more along the lines of purchasing, strategic management, organizing events/ public relations. Some one has to have planned the purchasing and implementation of millions of dollars of fish, equiptment, food. But I'd still love to do the diver show it would be cool to be able to hop into a fishtank.


Active Member
i tried to volounteer at the aquarium of the pacific but since im under 18 i have to go through this whole 40 hour training program. oh well


Active Member
oph and i worked for the same company, different locations. i agree with what she said as our particular place fired marine biologists in favor of high school diplomas. cheaper i guess.
i would say that if i would do it over again i would get as much dive training as possible as there's a better chance of getting a job with a recreational scuba shop. helluba lot more fun and freedom also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
i tried to volounteer at the aquarium of the pacific but since im under 18 i have to go through this whole 40 hour training program. oh well
What is wrong with going to free training? Training usually costs lots of money.


man that sounds bogus...i am working on my masteres in marine biology...i guess it could explain why i didnt get the job at the ATL aquarium when i applied...and i am SCUBA certified


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What is wrong with going to free training? Training usually costs lots of money.

right i woulda jumped on that deal


Active Member
Apart from the expense, there is a real attitude problem. Many marine biologists, and I can say this because I can call myself one, have a real "know it all" attitude. The reality is that this is a totally different skill than what you get in marine biology, and if you are not open to learning, then it is problematic.
Having said that, many in the aquarium industry are set against marine biologists and don't tend to take each person on their merits.
You have to watch how you sell is very likely that a background in an LFS may be more marketable in that industry than the marine biology degree.
maeistero - you no longer work there???


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What is wrong with going to free training? Training usually costs lots of money.
i was just gonna go down there and help out but its kinda far away and i didnt have the time to give up. plus it was just this aquarium 101 class that was kind of bullet pointed. IMO i figured i could learn more from volunteering than taking the class, but of corse as a minor i have to go through the training to volunteer
training,especially free, is a good thing! build your resume! even at this age it will show alot of ambition and passion. you will learn from this and if you like learning life is fun. have fun...learn!