Getting a New 29g biocube

You can easily replace the fans in your hood. They are normally under the splash guard. They are just computer fans, so look for the fastest speeds ate the lowest sound rating and you will be set. I did this in my 24 gallon aquapod.


Originally Posted by <scuba steve>
You can easily replace the fans in your hood. They are normally under the splash guard. They are just computer fans, so look for the fastest speeds ate the lowest sound rating and you will be set. I did this in my 24 gallon aquapod.
Yeah they are held in with two or four screws and that's it. Oh I forgot though, you have to look at the size number on your fans that you have in right now. There are hundreds of different sizes that will not fit, so look at the size before you buy.

au mister

i have frogspawn, fox, torch, brain, disk, xenia, polyps, pearl, candy cane, and a BTA. I have it all under the nanotuners 4.36 kit with the loud fans. But the bioballs do create some nitrate problems. I would take them out and put in live rock rubble. I think the berlin method is the best. Lots of sand, rock and a skimmer should be fine.
Sorry but I gotta ask. Why do you have whats looks like an angel fish and for sure a regal tang in a 29 gallon?
Originally Posted by AU Mister
i have frogspawn, fox, torch, brain, disk, xenia, polyps, pearl, candy cane, and a BTA. I have it all under the nanotuners 4.36 kit with the loud fans. But the bioballs do create some nitrate problems. I would take them out and put in live rock rubble. I think the berlin method is the best. Lots of sand, rock and a skimmer should be fine.

au mister

it is two tangs. i know. my buddy ordered 3 fish off of saltwater fish .com They needless to say came in very much smaller then he expected. He was going to put them in his predator tank. He put the biggest of the fish from his order in his tank and his eel ate it. It was my tank or down the toilet. I am the only other person he knows with a sw tank, so i took them.
sorry for not updating but I got the tank and its been running since th 5th of march...I replaced the bioballs with some pads and some chemipure...should I just use some LR rubble or is this ok???
30lbs of aragonite(sp?) sand
only about 7lbs of LR but getting more 2day
I will post pics soon
use liverock rubble, i took my bioballs out. i have chemipure sitting ontop of the rubble. yeap get atleast 30 pounds of liverock and your set i have 4o pounds in mine. including the rubble
i don't gonna take them back to my dad said it would help the cycle or something...I feel bad because they are so cute. lol...they become so annoying...we have a 90 g and all the damsels are big and still in it
I have 2 questions...
1. Is 80-78*F too room gets pretty warm upstairs and my 90 g downstairs stays around 76-78
2.Do maroon's get to big if they were in my cube???
I got some brown crap on my sand so I'm going to get some snails in the next few days