Getting a new tank, Couple of Q's


Hi guys, i currently have a 14 gallon biocube that I have enjoyed enough that I am going to get another tank, a complete setup from the LFS Its gonna be a 150 gallon 48x24dx30h with a custom stand and canopy, Its going to have 2 250w MH lights and a 50 gallon sump.
What is the average life expentancy of healthy well kept saltwater fish, inverts, and corals? I know anenomes don't fair to well in captivity.
Also If I understand correctly the sump is gravity feed and pump returned, If a power outage occurs what pervents the house from flooding? or is there something out there to pervent that.
Well anyways thanks in advance for the help.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hitachi753
Hi guys, i currently have a 14 gallon biocube that I have enjoyed enough that I am going to get another tank, a complete setup from the LFS Its gonna be a 150 gallon 48x24dx30h with a custom stand and canopy, Its going to have 2 250w MH lights and a 50 gallon sump.
What is the average life expentancy of healthy well kept saltwater fish, inverts, and corals? I know anenomes don't fair to well in captivity.
Also If I understand correctly the sump is gravity feed and pump returned, If a power outage occurs what pervents the house from flooding? or is there something out there to pervent that.
Well anyways thanks in advance for the help.
It is difficult to predict the life expectancy of fish - I have had some that lived many years, others that survived for hours. My opinion is that health fish in a well maintained tank should survive for years. As for preventing backflow in a power outage, your inlet line should have a hole just below the water surface. Then, in an outage water will backflow until the hole is exposed to air, when the siphon breaks and water stops backflowing.


Active Member
I have to agree with above post!!! Another thing is you need to do more research on your system....I have 2x250w MH XM 20k bulbs on my system and I now wish I have gone with 2x250w MH 14k bulbs with VHO supplements, which that's what my other tank have. Most of the corals look A LOT better underneath it. More research is needed!!!! Took me a long time to find all the supplies I needed for this tank and it's coming along pretty good....Good Luck!


Well thanks I will do more research as I wait for the stand to be built, Im just so new and there is alot to learn.


Active Member
Just a sugestion look online like craigslist for a used tank you will save a TON of money. This is the ONLY way i will buy in the future. You can always clean up a tank to look brand new, just make sure there are no scratches in the glass.


New Member
Originally Posted by mie
Just a sugestion look online like craigslist for a used tank you will save a TON of money. This is the ONLY way i will buy in the future. You can always clean up a tank to look brand new, just make sure there are no scratches in the glass.
I agree totally. I picked up a 125G about a month ago for $100 from there. My GF was going to buy me a stand for Xmas and she stumbled upon a 150G with stand for $200. So now I have a 150G to build up and can let the 125 go hopefully for what I paid if not a little more. Now if only I could find a lighting setup on there for cheap :)


Active Member
You need to have it reef ready (rr). This way it will have an overflow box. If the power goes out it will only drain the contents of your overflow box to the sump. You are at the most critical time in this hobby. This is when excitement merge with impatience and morph onto a long list of "I should of"!
Research your brains out. Definitely go with MHs and some type of other lighting (VHO,PC,T5s) to supplement. Don't skimp on the skimmer, waterflow or the amount of LR. Search Craigs List and this site for good used equipment and stock. There is so much money to be saved by buying second hand!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by hitachi753
Hi guys, i currently have a 14 gallon biocube that I have enjoyed enough that I am going to get another tank, a complete setup from the LFS Its gonna be a 150 gallon 48x24dx30h with a custom stand and canopy, Its going to have 2 250w MH lights and a 50 gallon sump.
What is the average life expentancy of healthy well kept saltwater fish, inverts, and corals? I know anenomes don't fair to well in captivity.
Also If I understand correctly the sump is gravity feed and pump returned, If a power outage occurs what pervents the house from flooding? or is there something out there to pervent that.
Well anyways thanks in advance for the help.
ok well the intake will have a overflow box and this will make it so if no water is being pumped in only a little water will go into the sump and then stop bcus there wont be enuf water in the tank so u just need to leave a little room in the sump and u will be good...