Getting a plate and Galaxea


I ordered an Orange Plate Coral and a Galaxea ....any tips on where to place them
YESSSSS I read about them......I am asking for personal experiences


Active Member
Well it's too late for me to move my orange plate coral but my purple tipped on I placed on top of the right side. Give the plating coral plenty of room to grow as it's amazing how big they get within a year. My maxima clam is in danger of being shadowed and grown over but I can't get him off and still seems happy.
I have like 20 frags of plating coral I could've given you if you lived local

I attached pics -- purple tipped good location... orange plating bad location as it's going to be limited as how much it can grow now and I can't clean the glass.
For more growth the whole thread is
I seriously didn't plan long term as I moved the rock with the purple tipped and clam to a better spot... but as small as they were it kinda snuck up on me



Originally Posted by jackri http:///forum/post/3076384
Well it's too late for me to move my orange plate coral but my purple tipped on I placed on top of the right side. Give the plating coral plenty of room to grow as it's amazing how big they get within a year. My maxima clam is in danger of being shadowed and grown over but I can't get him off and still seems happy.
I have like 20 frags of plating coral I could've given you if you lived local

I attached pics -- purple tipped good location... orange plating bad location as it's going to be limited as how much it can grow now and I can't clean the glass.
For more growth the whole thread is
I seriously didn't plan long term as I moved the rock with the purple tipped and clam to a better spot... but as small as they were it kinda snuck up on me
I believe that is montipora cap. and not a plate.


Active Member
You're right.. I just call it a plating coral and that's where my mind went. Hey it was late lol


Give the galaxea PLENTY of room. Their sweepers are longer than you can imagine, wiped out a huge section of xenia. Mine seems to prefer medium to light flow. Never had a plate.


The plate coral should go on the sand bed. The flesh on it goes all the way around the bottom of the skeleton and putting it in the rocks can irritate it. Also the plate can move itself by inflating/deflating the layer of flesh on the bottom side so if it ends up somewhere other than where you put it that is what happened.
As has already been said, give the galaxea plenty of room. Their sweepers can reach out 6"+. I have always wanted one, but never wanted to confine myself to just one coral in that amount of space so I haven't ever owned one. I watched one in the LFS sting a fox coral that was at least 8" away from it before though.
Good luck with both of them. Beautiful corals.


Thanks everyone...can the galaxea go on the rocks, or does that have tro be on the sand too? I never really got that answer for sure from reading about it


I believe they can go on the rocks but I am not 100% certain on that.


Originally Posted by OleMiss
I'd put it on the rocks, sand seems to irritate the tissue.
OK...thanks so very much....I just have to be sure it (galaxea) is far enough away from anything.....right?
And the plate will do good under T5HO?? I was thinking of putting it in the 29g...I have a perfect spot...


Active Member
Two of my favorite corals I wish my angels would let me keep!

Just use a bit of sense went placing the galaxea. Yea, place it on the rocks. If possible, try to look for a nice flat piece of rock with no sharp points, etc, and something that can support the whole coral. It does need a very wide birth from other corals.
The plate should go in the sand, that's important, but perhaps more important is to find a 'low-risk' area. If a rock were to tumble onto the plate, it would spell the end. I've had even large snails fall off the glass onto the plate and kill it.


WOW...A snail could kill a plate...OK...I have the perfect's going into my 29g, and I don't have much that could bother it in there...
As far as the galaxea, that is going into the 225g...NOT 100% sure where yet..once I get it and see the shape I will figure it out...