Getting a Sump Started?


I know that I have seen posts in this forum abou the best/proper way to get a sump started, but I am having trouble finding them. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
I am going to be setting up a 65 gallon tank using a CPR overflow box into a Berlin BS-1 sump that will hold the protein skimmer and mag drive 7 pump to return the water to the tank.
Thanks for the help!


Active Member
water levels should be determined by the baffles i would think. otherwise, just make sure you have enough water to cover the inlet on your return pump so you're not blowing bubbles into your DT or burning your pump out because it's not submerged. i keep about 3" above my pump, it allows for evaporation


Not really what I was looking for but I appreciate the help. There was a post with a sequence to follow in setting up the sump to get to the correct water level. Maybe it was on another site. I'll figure it out.


Active Member
Yeah find this out. Highly recommended, I had a overflowing pump which caused me to panic and I some how managed to crack my sump causing everything to go south. It sucked!!! DEF. research that.