Getting a sun coral to open up


Active Member
I got mine about 2weeks ago..For the first week -week and half..i would take it out and put it in a bowl and feed it with cyclopezee and let it sit in there with it for about wouldnt open much but it was just to get it back to opening.
Now flow I dont think you need much..mine is in a kinda low/medium flow area and its under a small ledge in my tank..they dont need light since they are not photosynthetic. They take some work cause you have to feed each head...Putting directly on sand is bad if u got any polyps that are towards the bottom it can smother them. I put some rubble in the sand and mine on that sie the polyps are above the sand. Some cut a 2liter in half and put it over the coral and squirt in mysis or cyclopezee so it gets fed and not bothered by the other fish.
I am not doing the bottle..I am going to use a syringe to squirt each head with food
Here is mine :)


Active Member
05x, ever since seeing your sun coral two or so weeks ago, i've wanted to go out and get one. :jumping:
now if I can just find one locally...


Active Member
thats the same thing happen to me...I was reading on them one day and then i was like..MAN I have to get one of these..Went to my LFS I go to all of the time...There it was..Lights on it like it was ment to be..LOL

sea n life

after reading this post im going to buy one my lfs told me you have to hand feed this coral three times a day i was thinking man dont people have jobs so i never bought one but i will now thanks