Getting back into it....


ok soo...i have been a member here for awhile..and been in the hobby now for about 7 years..and im 19 so i started at 12. I gradually moved up from a 10 gallon nano, then a 29 gallon, and now i have a 55 gallon..and still wanting to upgrade. (maybe a 125) Anyway, I've had the 55 gallon for about 2 years now, and I've come along way in a couple of months. I got lazy, but now I'm back into it.. here some pics... i have been battling hair algea..then i introduced 5 turbo snails and this is after a weeks work.

P.S. my g'f gave me the hippo tang for my birthday...she didn't know any better..don't worry it will be given to my friend with a 90 gallon


Active Member
as far as the hair algae.. what are your water parameters? is the tank exposed to direct sunlight? are you over feeding? how old are the lights?
i would defiantly upgrade to a 125 if you can there is a lot more choices as far as fish, and you have a lot more room for things.. the bigger the better!!!


water parameters are fine now...except the ph is a little low..about 7.9....the hair algae all started when i replaced the bulbs in the PC...but its under control now i think....i feed once a day...and do water changes evry 2 weeks with RO water, oo and the tank isn't in direct sunlight