I want to stick with having a crisp white tank, that's why I'm not running any higher K. I tried 14k it was way too blue for my liking. The corals i want their color to come back are all zoos and palys. my red monti is still red, my green monti is still green and my purple monti is still purple, my golden digi is still golden and my gold and pink birdnest is still gold and pink. So all my SPS still have their color and are growing like crazy. the birdest has sprouted 4 new branch isn't i got a 1" two branch frag 10 days ago. My frog spawn has kept it's color, xenia is still pink and growing like a weed. I use RO/DI water. feed one cube of mysis every other day and a small pinch of prime reef flake on the other days. Keep an eye on calc and alk and add accordingly and do 10 to 15 gallon water changes each week. add a small amount of trace minerals in the middle of the week. So in short everyone's growing just colors aren't as vibrant, i'm sure that they were probably under more blue light before i got them. except for a leather that has been growing in full sun for the past few months. that was one coral i didn't need to worry about the light being too much for it.