getting disheartened


Active Member
post me your email addi and i will send you a compatablity chart for fish this may help in your deciding stock issues


As the proud owner of a 75 gallon fish/reef tank, let me make some suggestions as well.
The Fairy wrasses are wonderful fish, very peaceful and reef friendly, plus they constantly swim and add lots of activity to the tank.
A royal gramma would also go well with your existing fish.
A firefish would be fine as well, but they are timid and your clowns might bother them.
I have a great relationship with my fish store and if any of my fish get too large (such as my rabbit fish who cleaned up all the caluerpa in a few days) I return it to the store and can replace it with a smaller fish.
My tank currently has one yellow tang, one royal gramma, one blue spotted goby, one pajama cardinal -who is strangely interesting and not boring at all-one maroon clown with his anemone , one coral beauty angel and a mandarin. I also have a brittle star and a serpent star, peppermint shrimp and cleaner shrimp as well as lots of snails, a few low light inverts and tube worms. The tank is beautiful with a variety of colors and shapes. Most people who come over have to sit and stare at the tank for a while before they will do anything else.
Good luck, dont get frustrated and remember, many people who do reef tanks may only have one or two fish for activity and fill the tank with a variety of corals.


Originally Posted by Granny
As the proud owner of a 75 gallon fish/reef tank, let me make some suggestions as well.
The Fairy wrasses are wonderful fish, very peaceful and reef friendly, plus they constantly swim and add lots of activity to the tank.
A royal gramma would also go well with your existing fish.
A firefish would be fine as well, but they are timid and your clowns might bother them.
I have a great relationship with my fish store and if any of my fish get too large (such as my rabbit fish who cleaned up all the caluerpa in a few days) I return it to the store and can replace it with a smaller fish.
My tank currently has one yellow tang, one royal gramma, one blue spotted goby, one pajama cardinal -who is strangely interesting and not boring at all-one maroon clown with his anemone , one coral beauty angel and a mandarin. I also have a brittle star and a serpent star, peppermint shrimp and cleaner shrimp as well as lots of snails, a few low light inverts and tube worms. The tank is beautiful with a variety of colors and shapes. Most people who come over have to sit and stare at the tank for a while before they will do anything else.
Good luck, dont get frustrated and remember, many people who do reef tanks may only have one or two fish for activity and fill the tank with a variety of corals.
Can we see your tank???


Woodave, You are funny! AS a matter of fact, a digital camera was on my Christmas list and I got one-though I havent loaded the software into this computer yet. If I could do this in the next few minutes, would be happy to send a picture. If you are going to be visiting this web site much in the future, I will promise to post a picture.
My secret is careful selection of healthy fish, feeding a variety of foods and making at least 20 gallon water changes every two weeks using either Instant Ocean of Reef Crystals whichever my LFS has instock.
Thanks for cheering me up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Granny
Woodave, You are funny! AS a matter of fact, a digital camera was on my Christmas list and I got one-though I havent loaded the software into this computer yet. If I could do this in the next few minutes, would be happy to send a picture. If you are going to be visiting this web site much in the future, I will promise to post a picture.
My secret is careful selection of healthy fish, feeding a variety of foods and making at least 20 gallon water changes every two weeks using either Instant Ocean of Reef Crystals whichever my LFS has instock.
Thanks for cheering me up.
thanks for your info :) did help a lot too


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
post me your email addi and i will send you a compatablity chart for fish this may help in your deciding stock issues
mjwag1975 at